My opinion about rebalancing


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
While I don’t mind it being more difficult to five star a war base, I do mind that BHG has decided to ignore the fact that troop cards, especially EA’s, are the primary problem. There is something else which is bugging me about this. It’s called bait and switch.
Many players have spent real money upgrading building and troops. They buy crowns over and over just to speed up these upgrades over the years. Now all these upgrades, which we actually paid for in some way, are being changed. In the mean time BHG continues to sell EA’s and cards instead of downgrading and or eliminating these revenue producing products.
Seems to me that when you use crowns to speed up a building or troop upgrade you are in fact being baited to do so. Then afterwards those building which you paid for in crowns, real money, are taken away from you. Is this fair? I think BHG needs to consider this and all those players who will have spent their money for nothing.

BHG, truthfully it was you who cause the balance problem. The fact that you haven’t even addressed the EA and card Circus is somewhat insulting considering you’re taking away what many players actually paid money for. A rebalance is a good idea but your lack of addressing the real problems is concerning.
A bait and switch scenario is not the answer. Try an experiment first. Stop selling EA’s and so many cards. Yes, BHG needs to make money but it’s not a good idea to take away something which a player has already paid real money for. If you do so then reimburse players who have paid for crowns.

Another thing, why in the world do you refuse to discuss or fix the growing problem of cheating. We as players keep seeing the same old cheaters over and over. These cheaters have been reported over and over but they’re still allowed to continue. When we as players ask you about this we don’t get a logical response. How about communicating with us better. Tell us why these cheaters are allowed to continue.

Then we have that broken leaderboard. The leaderboard is our only representation of war success as a team alliance. We strive to gain a position of accomplishment and the leaderboard is our motivation. Why has BHG basically ignored all the funny games being used for position on the top 100 leaderboard? Come on now, it’s been well over a year.
Please understand it’s difficult for players to not feel like we’ve been taken by bait and switch tactics while ignoring many other critical components of the game like cheating, bugs and the leaderboard.

I hope you think about this.
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Approved user
Sep 10, 2017
I have been saying it’s like a bait and switch. Thank you for your thoughts, I concur with all of the above.


Approved user
Sep 10, 2017
Well, I’ve already posted a reply that never was approved. Perhaps they will approve this one. I, too feel I’ve been dealt a bait and switch. I spent time, money and resources to speed up research on decoys. It’s humorous to me that they have research in the library and not so long ago added a new uni chapter that had one focused on decoy and now are likely going to make it maxed at what it was when you first got it before upgrading or researching. THAT is in essence a bait and switch. I get tweaking things, but to the extent they are doing it, it GENUINELY FEELS as if they no longer want people to 5 star bases.

I never have been a raider. I always do full on attacks in MP... when I was in Industrial, I rarely needed TT. Man since moving to global if I wanna win, I gotta have TT with me. I have spent at least $1000 on this game since starting. Just dropped another $15, I have no prob paying for a game I love to play. But, if they make it unwinnable by taking away the resources we need to beat bases, I will no longer support the game.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Why didn't you put this in the rebalancing thread? Do you have any idea how unreadable this forum would be if everyone made their own thread about topics like this?


Approved user
Aug 12, 2016
While I don’t mind it being more difficult to five star a war base, I do mind that BHG has decided to ignore the fact that troop cards, especially EA’s, are the primary problem. There is something else which is bugging me about this. It’s called bait and switch.
Many players have spent real money upgrading building and troops. They buy crowns over and over just to speed up these upgrades over the years. Now all these upgrades, which we actually paid for in some way, are being changed. In the mean time BHG continues to sell EA’s and cards instead of downgrading and or eliminating these revenue producing products.
Seems to me that when you use crowns to speed up a building or troop upgrade you are in fact being baited to do so. Then afterwards those building which you paid for in crowns, real money, are taken away from you. Is this fair? I think BHG needs to consider this and all those players who will have spent their money for nothing.

BHG, truthfully it was you who cause the balance problem. The fact that you haven’t even addressed the EA and card Circus is somewhat insulting considering you’re taking away what many players actually paid money for. A rebalance is a good idea but your lack of addressing the real problems is concerning.
A bait and switch scenario is not the answer. Try an experiment first. Stop selling EA’s and so many cards. Yes, BHG needs to make money but it’s not a good idea to take away something which a player has already paid real money for. If you do so then reimburse players who have paid for crowns.

Another thing, why in the world do you refuse to discuss or fix the growing problem of cheating. We as players keep seeing the same old cheaters over and over. These cheaters have been reported over and over but they’re still allowed to continue. When we as players ask you about this we don’t get a logical response. How about communicating with us better. Tell us why these cheaters are allowed to continue.

Then we have that broken leaderboard. The leaderboard is our only representation of war success as a team alliance. We strive to gain a position of accomplishment and the leaderboard is our motivation. Why has BHG basically ignored all the funny games being used for position on the top 100 leaderboard? Come on now, it’s been well over a year.
Please understand it’s difficult for players to not feel like we’ve been taken by bait and switch tactics while ignoring many other critical components of the game like cheating, bugs and the leaderboard.

I hope you think about this.

+1 could not have been better said.