Muet, war matching is still broken


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
I realize you have one of your developer team working on matchmaking, but I think it time for you get personally hands on involved. We have another mismatch. We have 15 SA’s to their 29 SA’s.


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Approved user
Jan 19, 2016
We were paired with the same alliance twice in the last three wars, once before and once after the “fix” to this issue. It’s an epic mismatch.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
BHG_Muet When will you be addressing this issue?

Last 3 Wars for us, bearing in mind we're an average alliance with average 16K Glory.

Our last War - Fair for both sides. We've won. 😏

Previous War - GATE BR - top 100 alliance with 19K+ Glory. Level 14 perk. They annihilated us. 😭

The War before that - Japan Enjoy - Top 100 alliance with 20K+ Glory. Level 14 perk. They annihilated us. 😭

We're rated at #980 or something along those lines, so why are we being matched up with some beastly alliances that we stand no chance of beating? So yeah I do think Matchmaking hasn't improved. In the last 3 Wars we've lost just over 200 Glory and gained just under 200 Glory. Great! 🙄

Why are we facing top 100 alliances more frequently than before the new matchmaking came out? And yes we refreshe War search every 20 min or so.


Approved user
May 10, 2017
I don't think they claimed to have "fixed" matchmaking. What they fixed was war rank, which appears to be true. Yes, that should have some impact on matchmaking, but perhaps not a drastic difference. Unless you think Ares/DKA/Invictus should only match each other, there are going to be matches like this (we get plenty of them ourselves).

Rogue Squirrel

Approved user
Sep 5, 2018
Muet has already said that it's still going to be tough to get fair matches for alliances at the top end of the spectrum (i.e alliances that have a lot of Space Age bases) simply because their aren't enough of them. You'll either have to wait until the rest of us catch up or try replacing some of your SA's with lower aged bases.

The alternative is to substantially increase the waiting times. Something which I've been advocating for a long time. I'd much rather wait longer for a fair match than waste two days fighting an unwinnable war.

Or do what I suggested a few weeks ago in another thread:...….
"I think they should actually go further and have all wars starting at the same times each day. Say, for example at 0000hrs, 0600hrs, 1200hrs 1800hrs in a 24 hour period. I think this would lead to much better matches. You have 24 hours in which to make your two attacks so it shouldn't cause too much of a problem for most players, especially now we've got free retrain. At the moment if you wait longer than half an hour for a match (which we almost always do) you usually end up with a ridiculously one-sided war"


Approved user
May 17, 2018
i noticed that in the last 2 wars, no3 is always the most powerful. I don't know if that has something to do but just saying.


Approved user
Nov 21, 2018
Our clan right now meeting a clan with 2x more war weight then us!

Good job! :(


Approved user
Jun 27, 2016
We are currently in the middle of the worst miss match I have ever known.
Our Alliance has 2 CWA, 9 AA, 9 GLA, 8 iA, 2 Gunpowder.
Opponent has 16 SA, 3 CWA, 5 AA, 2 GLA, 2 iA, 1 EA, 1 MA, all of which look to be maxed out.

Response from ca is the standard pre-prepared pat on the head reply.

Current events are purely designed for increasing their revenue.
Can they not employ someone who is capable of listening to us and developing a game that is more rewarding to tactical skills, rather than just slogging through monotonous events that are designed to drain us of our stored resources?