Losing Attacks in war. *PROOF attached*


Approved user
Dec 2, 2015
As the following screenshots illustrate we are getting screwed out of attacks in war. As you can see we have 38 of 40 attacks used. Which would mean that 2 people have not attacked. But if you look at our post war summary you'll count 6 people that didn't "use" their second attack. This means that 4 people got screwed out of their attack due to this "attack" bug. 4 out of 20. Thats a 20% fail rate. Comeon now, you can do better! On occasion when attacking either just in multiplayer or in war the second the "attack" button is pressed the game crashes. This is not a huge issue in a multiplayer battle. More of a nuisance than anything. But in war you lose out on the attack, lose loot, and could tank the win for the alliance. Please fix this soon. It is kind of BS IMO. It has yet to cost us a war. But one day it will. Help us all out here.

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Approved user
Jan 7, 2016
This happened to me twice yesterday. I am #1 in my alliance and usually get 10 stars. I ended up with zero... I hit attack and as the battle was on the loading screen, game crashed. So, I went back in and found that I had 1 attack left. I rebooted my phone and force stopped the game after the reboot, just to be safe. Loaded the game and tried to attack the same person, but it would not allow me to, so I attacked the next in the list- loading-- Crash again. Back in the game, found that I now had no attacks left and it looked like I didn't attack at all. Very Frustrating. Neither time did I lose any troops. I think the game should recognize when you have not laid down a single troop in war and not count this against you.


Approved user
Jan 24, 2015
In-game -> customer service -> World War-Troubleshooting -> I crashed during battle and lost my war attack!

"Unfortunately, if you crash or lose the game during a war attack, you will lose that attack. If you are having persistent issues with crashing during battle please check out our FAQ on the subject."

So it looks like they know about this issue and they won't be fixing this anytime soon.

Here's something new: After I scouted an enemy during War, I lost my attack. I did not press the "attack" button and my game did not crash. I restarted the app, tried disconnecting to the server and even restarted the phone, same thing. I don't know if this is a common enough bug, but from now on, I'll do my scouting during Planning Day as it seems that if you "scout" during War Day, it could cost you an attack.

Nexon, I've reported this in-game. Please look into this. Thanks.


Approved user
Sep 13, 2015
I lost an attack too even it says that the "The enemy is currently under attack".

It means that the moment you clicked the Attack Button, you automatically used your attack even if the base of the enemy failed to show up because it is currently under attack.This should not have been the case.

Fix this soon.


Approved user
Jan 5, 2016
it happened many time to me and other member of my alliance. Also the game have alliance with cheat especially the asians.


Approved user
Jan 24, 2015
This Lost War bug has hit again! I lingered on my Attack Screen for about 20 seconds, studying the composition of my army. When I pressed the "attack" button, it reported that my target was already under attack. I confirmed afterwards that no one attacked him. Apparently, opening the Attack Screen for an extended time triggers an attack status without having to press the "attack" button, and causing us to lose an attack.

This is a program bug that's still around despite numerous reports. I've submitted several tickets on this issue and it still remains unresolved. Nexon, please fix this!


Approved user
Jan 6, 2016
ha ha for last 3 world war i was lost all loot and in every war 1 attack so3x1 miss attack for me this is usual