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Level Requirement to go to Cold War Age... is 220 TOO HIGH? Poll inside


Approved user
Mar 22, 2017
hello Nexon

PLEASE consider lowering level requirement to go to CWA.

Global 130, Atomic 150, ... CWA 220!?

While there are many ways to play the games... many players have been investing time into university with their workers. University gives zero exp, and effectively dramatically slows your progress in levels. There are many many players in Atomic age with maximum upgraded offense, that are between level 160-200. 220 seems a bit excessive.

make this new upgrade more accessible to more players. I am sure you have run the stats and know exactly what percentage of players are over 220.

Players will likely CROWN many upgrades if they get there within a week of its release... make them wait 5 months and they will likely crown less.

PLEASE consider lowering Cold War age level requirement.

everything else looks fantastic!

I am an atomic player, been playing since Feb 1st 2017.
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Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
I agree. 220 is extremely high, although many players have achieved this. I don't understand the purpose of level limitations anyway


Approved user
Feb 28, 2017
This is a bigger concern due to the fact that university researches do not reward experience. A large number of my alliance members are between 180-210, but they have done quite a bit of research in the university, making them stronger than most 220+ players.
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Approved user
May 7, 2015
I think 220 is perfect.
these offensively rushed AA bases are just as bad as Sandbagging so i hope they keep it.

bases w AA offense and IA or lower defense is equal to Sandbagging

Trentus Maximus

Approved user
May 5, 2017
I’m with you on this NoVelcro...players who are offense focused will want to ‘fast track’ through the ages maxing offense as they go. IMO these players will spend crowns as they reach new ages and therefore put $ in nexons pocket. I know in my case i can’t resist a small spend when I age up for some quick offense upgrades.
I think 220xp requirement for cwa is excessive and a stretch for offensive focused ‘fast tracking’ players, and it may limit nexons profit margins at higher lvls to a trickle instead of a steady flow of players and $ around the 180lvl.
I say make the cwa requirement 180xp.


Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Its the highest age to be added so far, it would only make since that the requirements would be high. 220 is not an unreasonable level requirement for AA to go CWA. Would you want someone CWA who was only level 150? I would not. Rushing head too soon makes the game harder, not to mention it messes up WW matchups


Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I’m with you on this NoVelcro...players who are offense focused will want to ‘fast track’ through the ages maxing offense as they go. IMO these players will spend crowns as they reach new ages and therefore put $ in nexons pocket. I know in my case i can’t resist a small spend when I age up for some quick offense upgrades.
I think 220xp requirement for cwa is excessive and a stretch for offensive focused ‘fast tracking’ players, and it may limit nexons profit margins at higher lvls to a trickle instead of a steady flow of players and $ around the 180lvl.
I say make the cwa requirement 180xp.

If you want to rush the lower ages thats up to you, but the later ages should be earned


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
I agree. 220 is extremely high, although many players have achieved this. I don't understand the purpose of level limitations anyway

It's to stop rushers who go too quickly through the ages. If it's really only 130 for GA and 150 for AA, I could reach GA right now (I'm Enlightenment) and upgrade my roads once (the Industrial upgrade) and be able to get to AA. Of course, it's 27 and 28 per piece for the later upgrades, so...that's not feasible past then.

But I digress. I'd be getting the crap knocked out of me every attack, since everyone's army will at least be IA and thus able to pound my hapless 3 mortars, and I'd have to prey on very weakly constructed GA/AA bases, perhaps resorting to the classic raider spam at 400 medals.

Would I at least be scoring 10 stars every time in war? Probably, unless we get a match of elites. And would I be able to strike back if I'm maxed on offence? Sure, and it's nobody's business to question the offensive playstyle. If this upgrade is supposed to be earned, not easily obtained like the past ones have been, then it'd be necessary to increase the level limit by a lot. Depends on whether or not Nexon is trying to limit rushing and encourage players to bolster defences before entering CWA. And I think that rushers will be stalled a good amount here - maybe a fundamental change is being introduced in CWA that makes it necessary for players to have competent defences?
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Approved user
Jul 25, 2015
I like it. Could be 230 really. Will force people to upgrade defense not just upgrade offense and rush to next age.

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
I'm one of those, because I took advantage of Summer Events. Otherwise I'm strategically against rushing because it yields more problems than good to the player. Even if they lower xp required (I have 182), I'm too skeptical to go to CWA so fast. But growing offense before defense is NOT sandbagging, it's the logical flow of gameplay! Upgrading offense have 10-15 upgrades which DO NOT require citizens, while defense structures are too many and the require citizens to upgrade, I'm getting bored with that, after I have my offense up to date. Upgrading defense will take forever! Nevertheless, when I reached AA I had VERY TOUGH TIME protecting my resources so I DON'T RECOMMEND RUSHING, except at the utmost edge of need!☺

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
Why not? I'd like to attack him both in multiplayer and world war!!! I like so very much those weak defended bases!!! 😁😁😁

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
I'm afraid that those who already managed to reach the limit are against of lowering because they afraid to allow others to enter their company. It's a pity... Sooner or later more players will reach 220 and go to CWA and there is nothing you can do to stop it, unless perhaps asking NEXON to put the limit at 500 for you to be assured you are the ONLY at high Ages. Personally I enjoy attacking AA bases with 140 xp level...


Approved user
May 7, 2015
Lv180 earned? U can be IA w level 180.. 220 is more or less Perfect for "earned"