• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Hello JoeG


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Hello JoeG, it’s been awhile since you communicated with us. A few things. The last update as usual caused some more bugs. Chat is not working properly again. This brings up another subject. Do you have a quality control person at BHG who checks and test every component of the game before rolling out updates? Does BHG have a skeleton crew now working on Dominations? I realize BHG is working on other games so are you short handed for troubleshooters for Dominations?
Why must we put up with these bugs for months and even years? Another example is the war matching system. It’s been broken for years now. Why can’t BHG just make a concentrated effort to fix this? We continually must wait for updates to fix things but the downside is your updates create new bugs. Why even rollout an update before testing it? How about trying something different. Before rolling out Space age how about fixing all the bugs and match making. I’m afraid since this Space age May be the last age that your crew won’t spend anytime on Dominations. Your crew seems more interested in developing more revenue building sales gimmicks instead of fixing things.
Anther example is the leaderboard. What happened to your leaderboard cleanup? We’re back to the same thing.
A few weeks ago BHG rolled back many cheaters. Why didn’t anyone post an explanation as to what was going on? You did tell us that you would communicate more with us but that hasn’t happened. And why in the world do we keep seeing the same top 100 cheater alliances on the leaderboard? You ask us to report them yet you don’t act.

One more thing. Why did you put us through months of hell while you were doing the rebalance and then totally trash it with the AR? I admit, I have a love-hate relationship with the AR but let’s get real here, it’s simply to powerful.

I hope your team will do massive Quality control before rolling out Space Age. Please don’t rollout a sloppy update again. Fix the present bugs first. No rush to roll out Space Age. And please communicate with us more. Thank you
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
I could not agree more with Dradis. I volunteer for free, to help you in beta testing. Yes I trully do!

HILL CLIMB RACING 2 recently launched a beta test and had people fill a form for beta testers. The game will run along side the existing one but will have a new installation. Things will be broken obviously but the issue here is to discover bugs and fix them. If fingersoft can do this, then BHG can't? I do not believe this

Communication: At some point we had the twitch live stream, the developer notes etc....what happened to all these? Your community is a very dedicated one and we have MANY ideas. Use them as the basis for new things to come. Let us know IF and WHEN you want help. We are always eager to help you and we have proved that.

But having to deal with stupid bugs for so long, is insulting (friendly challenges STILL not working). You test for far too much time our patience.

As for the leaderboard, we all thought that this is an automated process that will continuously monitor the alliances and drop their glory accordingly. We were fooled again. It is a process, done manually by an employee whenever you see fit.

This whole thing, makes me believe that the whole programming team must be Joe only and he tries to do everything by himself....poor Joe

p.s. sorry Dss for hijacking your topic but i really felt the need to express myself


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
I imagine that financial pressure to roll out Space Age will trump post-rollout concerns for bugs.


Approved user
Jan 23, 2019
There will always be bugs in any software and everything can be hacked (even the NSA). So trying to fix everything before moving forward is a never ending process.

Just release Space Age and move forward. There will always be people complaining regardless, always some bugs someone is not happy about.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Just launch Space Age. Yes we all know it will be more buggy. I won't be too excited honestly...obviously.
MM has been going on this way for 2+ years, so we should move on and continue our lives 😊
Besides, I know all others commenting here (except Cannibals 😆) mostly get good war matchups right? 😉
​​​​​​If we keep complaining about the LB, I only have 1 suggestion : go join THEM on the toppest, and you wouldn't feel so bad on your self 😉😆


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
There's good bugs and bad bugs. *wink**wink*
Some cheaters might like the ''good'' bugs

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Aircraft retrain during airstrip upgrade = good bug. And that's not cheating. I'll find out a few more 😆


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Yes, now I remember the 5 star victory chest bug. My timer was up to 11 days! :D


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Maybe these aren’t bugs. Maybe these incidents are Nexon’s way of helping us and ‘saving face’ at the same time?


Approved user
Jan 27, 2019
There was a bug where you could retrain your planes with crowns at a discount if you had a training blessing. Nexon fixed it.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I wish the TC/Alliance gate troop glitch was back. At one stage I had 240+ extra capacity in my TC.
An entire army on it's own! :D