• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Gmork Reborn : Recruitment


New member
Jun 30, 2022
Hello, my name is Kurt.

I am the new leader of “Gmork Reborn”
The alliance is at lvl 19, midway to lvl 20!

We are a newly merged alliance that is looking for strong, active members. We war none stop, so you must be able to commit to 2 war attacks every 48 hours. We will take any age members as long as you are active and are polite and willing to learn. we have a discord channel set up for all war members to join for strategies and tips. We have MK13 heavy tanks and maxed bazookas and AC’s for war donations and all the other goodies that come along with that.

This is my first attempt at recruiting outside of the game. If you do come to the alliance, note in the chat that “Kurt” sent you from the big huge games forums.

Thank you for your time, and hope to see a few people join from this!

Take care,