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Exploiting bugs, manipulating game play......is this not cheating??????


Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
Lets face the some ugly facts about these types of games, there are always players looking to cheat their way to the top of the game. I believe within our new and wonderful game that I love p[laying that there is a small group of individuals that are using some type of third party apps (possibly something like Sandbox) probably on a jail broken device to manipulate the game and or take advantage of bugs within the game. Last time I checked if an individual or even an alliance is purposely exploiting anything within the game or using a third party app to gain an advantage over other honest playing members of our community then thats cheating. In the last 24 hours while searching for bases to raid I came across the same base owned by a player named Mike level 92 and ranked 44. Nice base and always has about 400k of each resource available to win, the problem is each and every time anyone raids his base the game crashes 10 seconds into the raid. Now this just didnt happen once it happend 4 time in the last 24 hours to me. Four times I tried riading Mikes base and each time the game crashes right after I start dropping troops. The game resets on its own and I have lost all my troops, and he wins the battle taking medals from me. I not only lost troops but have lost the resources I spent training those troops and any gems I used to expedited things. Now if there is any question about wether or not this is happeneing I have proof because I recorded one of my attempts to raid his base and captured on video the game crashing just as I said it did. Once I could ignore but four timnes is confirmation of what was being reported in these forums back in February and that is that players were somehow manipulating the game into crashing when their bases were raided, this my friends is cheating. If its a bug within the game why wasnt it fixed, it was reported to Nexon months ago. I have submitted a support ticket on this and have followed up with an email each time its happened. I want Nexon to refund me back the gems I lost, the troops I lost, the reources that I used to train the troops I lost and I want the resources I would have won if Mike had not manipulated the game into crashing. I also believe people that are manipulating the game, wether it be by t aking advatage of a bug or using a third party app, should be banned from the game. What I am reporting and what others reported months ago should be easy to proove either by the data on Nexons servers or by watching the video I made. I think others are using similar exploits to keep their bases active 24/7 so that they never show up in the que of bases that are eligible to be raided. The simple fact that certain player bases just never show up to raid points to something going on. These people have to sleep at some point, they just cant be playing 24/7 non stop. This discussion needs to be brought back to the forefront and I encourage anyone that encounters what they think is someone exploiting the game play to gain an advatage over others to join this discussion. This discussion should be civil and only cite instances of known issues. I challange Nexon to honor their words from back in February and that was that they want a fair and balanced game and that there is no place for cheating in their game. These were their words and only expect them to do the right thing and keep the game clean and when theres an issue reported such as this it should be immediately looked into and fixed. If a player or players are found to be involved with cheating they should be permantly banned from the game. Until players are banned there will be no deterrent to keep people from continuing to do these things.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Thanks for the info endtimes. Let us know if you get any response from BHG. Nexons incompetence is starting to discourage me...


Approved user
Apr 20, 2015
I have the same problem... after 20, 25 minutes of games crash when I not fight with someone. But whenn i trying fight game crash after maby 10, 20 seconds and i lose all my army. it happen today like 10 times or more.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Matia this thread is not about the game crashing it is about cheats. Mike is a major cheat and has been reported numerous times to nexon. Unfortunately nexon don't know how to deal with issues related to this game so this forum has simply become a player to player discussion forum.


Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
I submitted a long email this morning to BHG about Mike and everything that I stated at the top of this thread. My concern is that there will be no response just like there has been no response from Nexon on anything I've sent in emails, support tickets and or private messages on. The support or should I say lack of support is becoming concerning. I believe that most of these companies like Nexon and Supercell don't really care about these issues as along as their bank account keep filling up.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
I think its time to go to Apple and have them revoke the game from the app store due to fraudulent use ... in app purchases are being squandered due to these cheats and lack of response from the vendor.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
thats a good idea papsmurf. if we could get apple to disable purchases for this game then maybe they would actually have some support on this forum and answers some of our questions


Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
nice thought but nevber goimna happen, apple may refund some money to people because of the impact on the game play but they will never shut down a cash cow like this game.... i guarantee Nexon and BHG anbr making close to a million a day off of the in app purchase from this game. 3 years ago Supercell was making 5 million a day off of Clash of Clans. so they will never turn off in app purchases


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Don't worry alot of people will start coming to the forums and when they realize what's going on they are gonna stop spending.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Now Im thinking twice to continue my game seeing they're not capable of handling this game in future.. so sad that a really good game was handed down by bunch of newbies


Approved user
Jan 7, 2015
Wonder if they took some of my advice and made an example of some people? It's imperative really that they then TELL US about it, and make that example public.


Approved user
Apr 9, 2015
You know, if all you talk about is the negative aspects then that is what you will most likely get out of the game. I'm enjoying this game and I couldn't care less about the less honorable.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
But vasheir according to multiple post by you on the subject of cheating, there us no such thing. So who are the less honorable?


Approved user
Apr 9, 2015
But vasheir according to multiple post by you on the subject of cheating, there us no such thing. So who are the less honorable?
Allow me to clarify: I never disagreed with those who exploit bugs as being labelled a cheater. I just disagree with labeling everyone a cheater when some could simply be victims of a bug with no way to do anything about it.


Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
#16 Today, 01:32 AM below is a copy of a support ticket i submitted in game, i have submitted at least 4 similar messages that have been ignore. i provided a link to a video that i recorded showing one player name "mike" as i tried raiding his base one of 5 times abnd each time the game crashe now this person "Pixay" is using the same cheat.... i am attaching images of their bases, every do not raid t hem your game will crash and people speak up, submit tickets about these cheaters and others otherwise our game will be ruined before it gets started...... its about time nexom and BHG open their eyes stick to t heir promises and clean this game up. they say the dont tolerate cheaters but yet Mike has been cheating for months, been reported for months and yet there he sits still playing, still crashing the g ame. heres the support ticket i submitted................. here we go again, now another player with tons of resources is using the game cheat that causes the game to crash as soon as their base is raided. the players name is "pixay", attached is an image of his or hers base, this person is in an alliance meaning others in that alliance most likely are using same cheat. I'm hearing rumors that the website www.gamegem.com provides a cheat for jailbroken devices t hat allows the player to max out his resources at will, as any times as like like all day long and this game cheat may have something to do with when we try to rain a base with maxed resource or close to max that the game crashes because gamegem.com has manipulated the game code. i have sent you a link to a video showing the myself raiding the other person using this cheat "Mike" and yet hes still playing still cheating, still g etting free resources i hear from gamegem.com. so i ask again the same question again and again, why are these players no being banned.


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Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2015
Hi Armyvet_65. Thanks for your feedback. We are looking into the accounts you have screenshots for. Unfortunately, "Mike" is too generic of a name for us to narrow down. We will also take a look at the game gem site.