BHG_Muet , I tired to write you this privately, but it won’t let me.. so here goes
Hello Mr. Muet,
Don’t know if we have had a chance to meet, but I’m one of the Admins over at DomiNations Prime. Between my team and the community I’ve gathered a bit of intel on the Space Age bug. It’s hard to be 100% positive given all the unknown factors, but based on what we have seen im fairly certain the following buildings are bugged, account for either zero or negative weight when fully upgraded to space age max: SAMS, Bunkers, Air Defense, and Machine Gun Towers.
Also in the reverse, quite certain the following buildings are operating properly as far as their weight is concerned: Tank Depots, Towers, Fort, Silo, Garrisons.
The rest we are still testing. Also this happened in Atomic Age for quite sometime (I don’t think you were around then), and it really became a big problem (as it is now). I mention this because it’s quite possible the same buildings are bugged this time in the same manner. Not sure, just may help the hunt to mention this. Hope this helps!!
I’ve honestly been debating for weeks whether to release this list to all the players in hopes we can balance it out ourselves, as the biggest teams weight wise are reaping the biggest rewards from the bug just naturally, and it’s really having a huge negative impact on everyone else’s experience..