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Building Upgrade Spreadsheet


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Hi fellow Dominators.

First of all I would like to apologize for the long waiting - you are used to be waiting anyway, due to the long upgrade times . :)

I have been busy at work, and in my personal life, so didn't have much time to dedicate to this project. However in my idle times I did work on this, and today I am pleased to share with you the first final result from my upgrade spreadsheet. I would say this is a final version, unless new building, levels , university leaders and so on are added, but those are maintenance actions. The logic of the worksheet is already implemented and any new additions should be easy to update.

What I am missing but don't see it as a priority:
- to add bonus from the university and library to defensive building and troops.
- to add bonus for economic production like caravans, farms and oils wells
- to add HP bonus for buildings coming from the library and university

This may be implemented in the future, but it is not a must, and doesn't affect purpose of the workbook.

So here it goes - I added an user manual tab also. Hope this proves useful to you as it has been useful to me so far. Also, if you have any suggestions, they are more than welcome.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
thanks for your dedication to create this. Can you post the link again cause it doesn't work


Approved user
Nov 8, 2017
Hopefully this will work - at lest it worked for my alliance members and I PM the wrathchild_78 which helped me testing it, and it worked. Again, thank you wrathchild_78 .


Let me know if you find any bugs or if you have any improvements that you would like to see in a future version.

As a final note: I based my values on what is on the wiki, so not all levels are there for all the buildings and others may be wrong. I am only on GA so can only check those. If anyone find a the values are wrong just let me know so that I can correct. Also for Sally Ride I only have what is on the wiki, so Sally is not complete yet. However the logic behind it is already there it is just a matter os updating tables, which takes only a few minutes to update as long as one have the values to fill the table in.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Took it down before so the stickies were all thematically linked. Happy to put it back up!


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
tinsoldier said:
Took it down before so the stickies were all thematically linked. Happy to put it back up!

maybe you could have 1 sticky post that links to all the other useful posts.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2018
Jiangying9, I have an updated version I use that is accurate through Space Age for almost 100% of the buildings. While I have added University leaders, they are not 100% accurate at higher levels as the Wiki does not have the information. I have not updated it for Digital Age at this point as I am in Space Age and don't have the data. Let me know if you want me to post the latest version I have.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2018
So I have a new version I will share in a couple of days that will include the following:
  • Library tab with dependencies mapped out (including Digital Age)
  • Wonders added on the building tab
  • Digital traps added (armored trap)
  • Time and Resource discounts for Buildings, University, and Library auto-calculated based on research, wonders, and museum artifacts
  • Number of buildings available now auto-calculated based on research completed
Can anyone confirm the following for me:
  • Digital Age costs/duration for library research - any info would be helpful even for only a level or two
  • Confirm the Digital Age Armored Ambush Trap needs oil to build
I'll try to share the new version soon, but any info requested above would be helpful.




Approved user
May 17, 2018
yes Armored ambush needs oil.
Library research needs probably 2d for the first level, 5d for the second. I say probably because I have some time reductions from library and enigma artifact and the duration changes in my case.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
library level 3 takes in my case 7d 14h which could be 8d without reduction