Hi everyone,
So after some time in silence I come back to you with some new. I have this upgrade spreadsheet worked on a bit more. What I have new:
- The Archive is already there as well as the Hannibal
- A new sheet dedicated only to the troops upgrades
- A new sheet for walls and gates upgrades
What I have improved:
- The formulas are better and sheet faster
- Instead of numbers for Age and troops - for you to not check the level on the wiki - I have a list with the names per nation for each troop, so that you juts choose you current troop and the troop level is calculated.
- Conditional formatting for some cells improved.
- Buildings (like Castle/Fort) or troops (like generals) requiring Food and Oil - not just one or the other - this is now taken into account for global resources needed.
What is still missing in the current version:
- I am yet to fill in all the Generals information, so this is not ok for generals stats. For this I would like
ISAMAGNA to help and provide its information from the generals. Would you provide the sheet with this information
ISAMAGNA, because currently the wiki is not too precise and lacks a lot of information
- I didn't have incorporated the new factory level and new troops levels from last update, due to lack of information. If someone provides this information, it is easy to fix this one.
- Some conditional formatting is not working ok when converting the sheet to a google sheet. Have to dig a bit to check why, but it is not a major issue.
What are my next steps:
- Incorporate the University version of
Agamemnon999 into this new version - this may take a while, but lets see
- Add the previous content, and correct some bugs that you may find.
Agamemnon999 are you already into this? Can you work on something similar for the library, while I incorporate the university and the remaining parts. Thanks for the effort you have been putting also into this.
I would really appreciate any feedback coming from you, to help us and improve this sheet. I think this is going in the right way and it is becoming a very handy tool to everyone.
Just let us know your thoughts, and hope this is handful to you guys.
So, here is the current version: