• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Alliance: Españoles2.0


New member
Apr 25, 2024
(En español)

Hola líderes, en Españoles2.0 quedan pocos huecos para que puedas formar parte de nuestra alianza.

  • Contamos con personas expertas en el juego. (Te ayudamos a resolver tus dudas)
  • Contamos con beneficios de la alianza nivel 16.
  • Parlamento completado: 2/7 ramas
  • Personas dispuestas a ayudar, amables, con comunicación fluida y apostamos por la mejor estrategia en conjunto.
  • Solemos ganar bastantes guerras mundiales y mantenernos en posiciones privilegiadas en ranked de alianza, (no obstante, entendemos todo tipo de situaciones, somos personas)
  • Medallas: 200
Te animamos a que te unas a Españoles2.0 =)


(In English)

Hello leaders, in Españoles2.0 there are few gaps left for you to be part of our alliance.

  • We have people who are experts in the game. (We help you solve your doubts)
  • We have benefits from the level 16 alliance.
  • Parliament Completed: 2/7 branches People willing to help, friendly, with fluid communication and we are committed to the best strategy together.
  • We tend to win quite a few world wars and stay in privileged positions in alliance rankings, (however, we understand all kinds of situations, we are people)
  • Medals: 200
We encourage you to join Españoles2.0 =)


Sep 7, 2023
I have checked out Espanoles2.0 and I will confirm everything that Chastiefold has said.

On top of that, Espanoles2.0 is currently (July 11, 2024) 2nd place in alliance triumph by only ~1,000 triumph points. aka - join today

If you join Espanoles2.0, like me you can practice your Spanish! Look for me, Jealous47Much, or of course Chastiefold. :)
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