• Ending Support for AOS6
    As highlighted in our 12.10 Update notes, we will be ending support for AOS6 with the release of the 12.11 Update due to technical requirements. Those on AOS6 will need to upgrade to a device that supports AOS7 or above to continue playing DomiNations.
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  • I'm glad to be a member of the forum. I have a lot to say abt legend of heroes & have bin interacting with your support group. It is a good game but did are things I want you to look into. 1, inability to buy season 3 heroes separetely' the difficult y of. Getting runner stone & probs no getting catalyst unless u wait 7days.. Nothing interesting to buy in the shop to equip the heroes& make it more intereiing. Delay in getting other quest after 58. U have reduced d morale boost & greatly increased the price & the frenzy only yield gold ticket& little. Work. On these & all players wud give u 5stars. Thanks
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