• Missing Crowns
    We are aware of an issue in the most recent update where Crowns are disappearing. The missing Crowns are temporary, as we have records of Crown totals before they disappeared. We're currently working on a solution and will update you as more information becomes available.
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  • OK...still no answer... I am a bit fed up with that "UN-matching" battles! just got attacked again by a guy from Medieval Age that was ranking 62 and had an army that I can't even put a dent in, since I am STILL in Classical and ranking 45.
    Why don't they fix the attackers to SAME age FIRST?? Medals don't mean anything. This guy might be on the rampage for loot and if he scouts and quits battle, he will lose some medals and it puts him in my medal count. AGAIN: at the and of the replay of fight it showed me as Medieval fighter, which as I mentioned above am NOT! Fix that thing once and for all Nexon!
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