Need Help remebering how to raid in this game.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
Just returned to this game after 2 years off

I have a solid gunpowder aged base lvl 89..

Anyone have some solid raid tactics to get me rolling again. I'm having trouble jumping back into this game at my lvl and would love so solid advise on how to maximize my raids, what i should target 1st and how to deal with the on slaught of defenders etc..

I'm, beyond rusty


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
I raid primarily with grunts and hit farms and caravans. Cheap, quick, and effective.

Wynne D Fanchon

Approved user
Apr 19, 2017
What nation are you and how much troop space do you have? That way I can help you with your comp.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
What nation are you and how much troop space do you have? That way I can help you with your comp.

Japanese Gunpowder age about 75% maxed out. troops are maxed for the lvl. I don't rush bases..

95 slots for troop spaces


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
If you're going for 4-5 star victories, you're not raiding. :) For what you want; rifles, cannon, and healers should make up your army. Prioritize eliminating/disabling mortars and strongholds.

Wynne D Fanchon

Approved user
Apr 19, 2017
Consider changing nations if you have the crowns. At the moment, the meta is ranger shooters, supply healing carts, cannons and cavalry(if you are French/Greek). Foot soldiers fall off hard after gunpowder age.

I would run 5-6 cavalry, 2 supply carts, 2 cannons and the rest shooters. If you don't like cavalry, replace them with shooters. I like cavalry because the way I play is my cavalry tanks all the damage and protects my shooters so I have minimal loses that way I can retrain my troops without having to wait forever.

Tactics, you can run a sabotage and protect.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
I agree with Fanchon. Also, since you are looking to 5 star opponents, you need to focus on damage dealers. Heavy infantry or cannons. A sapper as well so you don't waste time taking down the initial wall


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
tried that it don't work if it does work then show me the exact deployment strategy. My heavies do not last in front of the legions of defenders and cannons get engulfed in defenders because they come form 100 different directions there is little chance of keeping them all tight

so many defenders coming out of bases that they vaporize before 30%

do I target certain buildings s do I sit back and try to take on the legions of defenders

As for changing nations NEVER if this game is not balanced then I'll quit again. I am Japanese that is what i chose.. changing means the game is woefully imbalanced therefore not worthy of my time.. Right now I have no clue why I beat some bases and why I don't beat others

or worse one base i get 90% the next 27% and they look similar to me

I've been using 3 heavies plus mercenaries including more heavies 2 cannons heal cart a bunch of samurai and shooters..... just do not understand how I am supposed to effectively deal with hordes and hordes of defenders coming at me from 3 or more angles

all the stupid youtube videos are almost all higher lvl so they do not provide good enough info
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Approved user
Oct 27, 2015
Are you attacking bases of the same age as your troops or lower? With the reduction in tactics, it is harder to 5-star bases now than before. I played as Japanese until Enlightenment Age and found them OK, but nothing special. I used 3-4 horses, 4 cannons and the rest shooters. With 5-8 samurai for cleanup. The samurai die very fast to all the defensive structures available in gunpowder and later. I find that a heavy shooter lineup help kill defenders while the cannons did all the heavy lifting. Didn't care about wall breakers unless it was for war.

For resource gathering, it was less cost effective for me to do 5-star victories than to just spam a few samurai/raiders that take out farms and caravans. I find that with Enlightenment and training blessing, the game becomes much more fun. Gunpowder had some heavy attrition which was made worse due to no training blessing.
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Danix den Andre

Approved user
May 27, 2015
well, for one thing, there has been a great deal of Library and University research that could probably set your possibly Vanilla troops at a serious disadvantage to begin with.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Funken_A , if you do decide to keep playing in Gunpowder I suggest you forget about 4-5 starring and just raid to get resources. Between 300-500 medals is a great range to get resources quickly and cheaply. I can raid 3-4 times every 15-20 minutes, lots of foot troops and raiders which are cheap and quick to retrain. When you get to EA or IA, that's when you should think about 5 starring.
But, if you absolutely want to 4-5star then your combination can be tweaked. Don't worry about the heavies, they get slowed down with defenders, and healers will always run to help them and get killed. Choose more cannons or more shooters. Shooters offer better protection for your other troops. Also, don't forget to rally often to keep your troops and healers together. (helps their healing)
Lastly, if you're not willing to change to another, better, nation then that's your choice. However, Germans are better than Japanese, for example. Same strong foot troop but ALL troops get a power buff with each win. Also, Germans have quicker rallies for better control.
If you don't want other people's advice that's fine - just keep going the way you are, hopefully you'll have fun anyway.


Approved user
Feb 11, 2017
Here is a video example of raiding in gunpowder age (university not build at the time, so it is the really basic troops) :
and i have plently of war attacks with my two gunpowder age accounts on my channel - just dive in.
- troop combination
- drop point
- rally
- kill the catapults first, then your horsemen can die, it's not a problem.