Another rebalance thread. Sorry.


Approved user
Oct 30, 2018
Hey, people. Long time lurker, first time poster. Been playing DomiNations since the first month. I'm the leader of a pretty decent alliance that usually hovers around 19k glory points. I nominally run a web site where we can communicate. This is the message I posted there to the group today...


I’ve come to believe that “combat rebalance” will be the end of DomiNations. I doubt that Nexon/BHG are unaware of this, and I rather think it’s by design, but more on that in a minute.

This game is no longer fun for me. In the space of a month, prior to which, the game was as good as it has ever been, they turned it into a miserable chore. I hate attacking anyone anymore. I know I’m not alone, because after 3 1/2 years of being attacked nonstop, now I hardly ever get attacked. I go to bed without a peace treaty, and wake up with everything as I left it.

We built something really good here. You and me. And if this is the end, I will miss the crew, but I will not miss the game. In recent days, I’ve been scouting out new games where we might be able to keep the gang intact. Nothing really promising so far, but I’ll keep you posted.

Okay, now let me get this out of the way. I don’t begrudge anybody their desire to make a buck. If this is all really just a move to sell more elephant archers and Guan Yus, honest, I am fine with that. I’m a free play player (except for the estate and the 8th house on my main account), as I think most of us are. To the extent that any of us are paying, I don’t think any of us are whales. We work within our casual framework, and that’s fine. But these war mismatches we’ve been seeing lately are going to keep coming. People who aren’t paying are going to find a game that is more and more hostile toward their desire to have a good time. They are going to play less, not pay more. Their alliances will wither and die, and they will not be there to match up with.

On top of this, my ability to lead us in war is already taking a serious hit. The best thing I though I brought in leading the alliance was knowing what we had. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what our people could do, so I felt comfortable directing traffic when I needed to, and I knew which way to motivate our target selection (though I was not always successful). I actually have five accounts in Sutekh, and a couple have stayed incognito because I like to use them to “calibrate” target selection in war. We’ve won a lot more than we’ve lost. It’s worked, more or less.

But now, I don’t even know what I can do, let alone what anyone else can do. I look at an enemy base, and I have not a clue what is going to happen when I drop troops there. It just gets worse every week. And next week, at high levels, every base is going to have roughly another 20 heavy tanks’ worth of hit points in the buildings to chew through.

I am not quitting the game. Not yet. But in a very meaningful way, I am done. After this war, I am pulling Irv and the Colonel out of wars, and will no longer start wars. Irv Prime will stay on as nominal leader of the alliance, and if I do wind up quitting the game, of course, I will transfer the title to the most capable hands that want it.

What will me staying look like? I’ll still check in every day and collect my loot. Still donate troops (got to get my lifetime mark to 100k!). Still manage the enrollment. But mostly, I’ll be waiting. Waiting for what? To see if they fix it. But I doubt they will. See, I think they want to shut the game down. It’s probably a marginal money-maker, and has been for a while, so they want to cash out with the PTW crowd while they can. And, again, that’s fine with me. Hell, I’d probably do the same thing. It’s just that I don’t think this game is coming back to where an alliance like ours has much of a place in it.

In the meantime, the beat goes on, such as it is. And again, I’m looking for a new game where we can set up shop. If anyone has ideas, do share.



Approved user
May 17, 2018
I feel every word you said as it was me writing them. As a "war general" in my alliance, selecting targets for my allies according to their strength, I have the same problem like you do. Nothing is certain anymore. In our current war, all our high level guys, barely took 1-3 stars. In the past they could 5 star these bases with careful planning and good strategy. Not anymore.

I started an alliance in another game and 5 more people joined from the dominations alliance and we had a good time for several weeks. Now we are in the process of finding more games and testing more than 5 different games. You see play store is full of games that await us...

Nexon doesn't realize that while their game is indeed awesome, they are moving to the wrong direction...


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Good post ! My wife, who is the war general, has the same feelings. She doesn't know how to proceed with this game and what bases to assign. So she is stopping also.

But we are looking to find another place for our bunch of old fools to play and have fun together. The fun is gone with Dominations since longtime. And it is not a question of money, as we are all free2play players...


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
Another phenomenal post, and I agree with your suggestion that these game-killing updates are made with ignorance. They know all about how toxic they are for the game and its future, which makes it even more puzzling that they just seek to kill it outright at this point. It’s really a shame that this game had to be a Nexon game. They’re known worldwide for greed, this isn’t anything new, and they don’t care about their player base at all. If anyone finds a good city-building game, let me know...or anything fun that could replace DN.


Approved user
Aug 17, 2017
Wow nicely said I myself am staying mostly cause one day we will all try and log in only to find the game finally hemorrhaged.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2017
My alliance is over 3 years old... we war every 2 days, but the guys are getting VERY frustrated. Hard to recruit 10 for a war lately. Our IA guys now don't have the firepower to be competitive if they get matched against a GA or AA base and it seems that if you haven't maxed out HT, then nothing works against a 3D CWA base.

They're already looking for other games, but this alliance has become like family. Why BHG/Nexon want to turn this game into Farmville is beyond me, but that's what's happening.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
While l dislike the changes as much as anyone, an lA base shouldn't expect to easily beat a GA or specially an AA base.
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Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
I think you missed the key points there, which were, "Matched against A" which shows that war matchmaking is still having issues. It used to be a well played Industrial could manage to take that rushed GA or AA base, but taking time. Time your team would need to make up on other attacks, time that they can no longer even pretend to make up because they can't even match the score. Really this just makes sadbags even more useful as the 20 seconds it takes to burn down an IA sandbag is no longer hurting your overall time in the war because you have maxed CWA bases on D.