• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

A new nation can be add this game ? Turkic Nation ?

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Approved user
Jan 24, 2019
( TR : Ülkemin oyuncularının bu konuyu daha kolay anlaması ve desteklemesi için
Türkçe açıklama aşağıda )


( EN : For my country's players to understand and support this subject more easily
Turkish description is below )

( '' Please do not write insults and racist comments. Thank you. '')

First of all,

I've been waiting to open this subject for a long time, and I'm thinking right time is now.

I've been playing this game for about three years.

As you know, the Turkish nation is not in the game. We see this nation only as a military unit in the university research (Suleiman) and in some of the events.(Janissary)

As you know, Turkish language support was not available in the game and was added later,

Now I'm asking

As a request from you, a new nation
Can the Turkish nation be added to the game?

A lot of Turkish players in the game plays.
And If a new Turkish nation will be added this game , I'm thinking more players come back and passive players will bring back to the game.

I think this will add to the game at

'' Your comments ? About this ? ''

I wonder about DomiNations administrators comments.

Thanks for reading my message and Thank you so much again all of things.


Türkçe Açıklaması

('' Lütfen hakaret ve ırkçı yorum yazmayın. Teşekkür ederim. '')

Her şeyden önce,

Bu konuyu açmak için uzun zamandır bekliyordum ve doğru zamanın şimdi olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Bu oyunu üç yıldır oynuyorum.

Bildiğiniz gibi, Türk milleti oyunda mevcut değil. Bu milleti yalnızca üniversite araştırmasında (Süleyman) ve bazı olaylarda askeri bir birim olarak görüyoruz.( Yeniçeri )

Bildiğiniz gibi, Türkçe dil desteği oyunda mevcut değildi ve daha sonra eklendi,

Şimdi soruyorum

Sizden bir istek olarak, yeni bir millet
Türk milleti oyuna eklenebilir mi?

Oyunda çok sayıda Türk oyuncu oynuyor.
Bu oyuna yeni bir Türk milleti eklenirse , daha fazla oyuncunun geri geleceğini ve pasif oyuncuların oyuna geri döneceğini düşünüyorum.

Bunun DomiNations oyununa ekleneceğini düşünüyorum.

Bu konu hakkında yorumlarınız nelerdir ?

DomiNations yöneticilerinin yorumlarını merak ediyorum.

Mesajımı okuduğunuz için teşekkürler ve her şey için tekrar çok teşekkür ederim.

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
I was also thinking this could be a valid nation with maybe a different unique unit. Maybe Spahi (aoe3) and I think Spanish maybe a new nation too. I also think each nation get could get unique mercanaries and this Turkish nation could have Jannisaries as a unique mercenary


Approved user
Jan 24, 2019
Another one banging on about adding Turkish nation... 😒

At the request of the players, Turkish language option added after game release date. ( added later as an update. )

Therefore, the above-mentioned request may be possible in accordance with the requests of the players. ( New Nation can be Turkic )

We open this subject to announce this request to the members of the management.

This request will continue until an official answer is received.
We expect a clear explanation from the game management. )

The topic is not spam.

( '' Please do not write insults and racist comments. Thank you. '')


Oyuncuların isteği üzerine , Oyunun çıkış tarihinden sonra Türkçe dil seçeneği eklendi.
( daha sonra güncelleme olarak eklendi .)

Bu yüzden , yukarıda belirtilen isteğinde oyuncuların talepleri doğrultusunda mümkün olabilir.

Biz burada bu isteğimizi yönetim üyelerine duyurmak maksadıyla konumuzu açtık.

Resmi bir cevap alana kadar bu istek devam edecektir.

Konu spam değildir.

('' Lütfen hakaret ve ırkçı cümleler yazmayın. Teşekkür ederim. '')


Approved user
Jul 24, 2017
There are about 200 nation's in the world.

Please stop adding content, instead first of all concentrate on fixing the bugs, closing vulerabilities, banning cheaters and improving MM.



Approved user
Jan 24, 2019
Instead of coming here and demanding things, why don't you keep up with what devs says on Twitch?

No new nations or Nations rebalance in the near future.
I've written such a message to the in-game authorities from the contact us button, and the answer from them was to please open the topic in the forum instead of telling us here.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
😅😅😅 They just wanted you to leave them alone. Watch the last Twitch stream on YouTube and pay attention to what they say.


Approved user
Jan 24, 2019
There are about 200 nation's in the world.

Please stop adding content, instead first of all concentrate on fixing the bugs, closing vulerabilities, banning cheaters and improving MM.

We need to discuss ideas and opinions here , what we can and what we can't ?

You're saying , Please stop adding content, instead first of all concentrate on fixing the bugs, closing vulerabilities, banning cheaters and improving MM.

I think your comments is exactly wrong , you should look at forum title topic. If you're right. Authorities should be change this topic name , Game bugs , game improvements and updates

When we look at the topic , Ideas and request ,
This is a place where we can present our ideas and requests.
This my idea and you must respect me.
You should look at Forum Title again.


I believe this ,

There are a lot of Turkish players in the game. so when we look at the before dates ,
At the request of the Turkish players, Turkish language option added after game release date. ( added later as an update. )

Is that right ? Yes exactly right.

Now I'm asking again , why not ? Can be add Turkic Nations to the future updates ?

I'm not writing a sentence here that violates the forum rules.

( The fact that such issues had been opened before would not prevent me, because it is being opened again this topic as there is no clear and formal response. )

I'm sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes.

( '' Please do not write insults and racist comments. Thank you. '')


Approved user
Jan 24, 2019
There are about 200 nation's in the world.

Please stop adding content, instead first of all concentrate on fixing the bugs, closing vulerabilities, banning cheaters and improving MM.

I'm not wrong , I'm just talking about my ideas. and I'm exactly sure , This place is the right place to talk these ideas.

You should be use this https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexonm-games/dominations/bugs-and-known-issues subject.
( '' Please do not write insults and racist comments. Thank you. '')

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Those red fonts bugged me.

TinSoldier Our fellow members here need a clear information about the possibility of adding Turkey as a nation. They would like to hear something from the developer team 😄
Would you mind giving us a thought?
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Approved user
Jul 24, 2017
Nope my friend, I'm right here.

You posted your feature request and the community is in charge for discussing it, expressing support if they like it or explaining why they don't think it was a good idea if they don't like it.
It's the basic idea with a forum.

I don't think this is a good idea and I explained in detail why. (I would very much appreciate if the available resources in money and manpower are spend for other things.)

You can just choose any nation. You don't have to choose the nation that you live in.

I understand that you very much like to have a nation named Turks in the game please accept that there are other oppinions on that.

Also you might refer to the official statements from Nexon to adding further nations.
Basicaly thats the official answer to your question and it is already available.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
There are a lot of Turkish players in the game. so when we look at the before dates ,
At the request of the Turkish players, Turkish language option added after game release date. ( added later as an update. )
I don't see the point of this. There are lots of Americans who play the game too, they're not asking for their version of English, are they? :D
Also, America and Russia, arguably two of the most 'important' nations in the world are not part of the regular game.
Yes you want Turkey included, we get that, but if it happens it will be despite your constant posts, not because of it!
I like many countries but not all are worthy inclusions in the game.
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Approved user
Sep 19, 2017
Benefits if the Turkish nation are causing problems in the game already..
  • unlimited workers
  • unlimited EA and HT troop tactics
  • multiple RA’s
  • 3 infantry troops that 5 star your base in 10 seconds


Approved user
Jan 24, 2019
Benefits if the Turkish nation are causing problems in the game already..
  • unlimited workers
  • unlimited EA and HT troop tactics
  • multiple RA’s
  • 3 infantry troops that 5 star your base in 10 seconds

The subject is up to date.
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