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  1. N

    Alliance Research v8.4 Update

    @TheWise We need to see total contributions made by each member, not just the amount research points, but total donations to date also the report when log in is nice, but each leader got a different report, with different stats
  2. N

    Alliance Research v8.4 Update

    New bugs from this update so far... heavy tanks move sideways now. Daily videos have no sound or crash the game.
  3. N

    Alliance Research v8.4 Update

    Looks promising, just wondering what the catch is, and how much spending needs to be done to hit the goals. Would be nice if they fixed some long outstanding bugs mg spawns from betrayed ht’s that freeze your troops... or stop the unlimited citizen hack, getting tired of seeing so...
  4. N

    Please Stop giving Mercs on Forest Clears

    Yah, they want you to dump your good mercs, which they are now selling, for crap gunpowder age junk to make room to grow lol
  5. N

    Why are my posts not showing?..

    You’re new, you need 20 post before they are automatic... also there’s no community manager, so I would assume there no one to approve them
  6. N

    Assassin's Event Fraud

    My theory is, they don’t bounce cheaters until the end of the event because they drive up sales of honest players. It’s just as easy to bounce a cheater in the first hour as it is to bounce them at the end.
  7. N

    Is the forum dead ?

    haha,. That’s fairly normal... maybe a little more so until they hire a new Community manager.
  8. N

    A second refinery

    We really need a second refinery... it would be a great addition to the game why? Because I stop playing when my oil is full.... I would think BHG/Nexon would want us playing more, but I could be wrong, maybe they don’t want us playing?
  9. N

    A couple Top Notch players wanted

    Seeking a couple top notch players to join us. seasoned alliance, perk 15, win rate 89%, currently ranked 94 we are an older team, we don’t do drama, and don’t negative chat. we do joke around a lot, we have fun....definitely no PC police lol Wanted AA, CWA, SA, DA... below AA can join too...
  10. N

    Chat is unavailable

    Yes, this is widespread, somebody from bhg/Nexon should acknowledge the issue
  11. N

    Five Years of DomiNations v8.3 Update

    Troops can no longer become stuck in the forest. Forest defenders are still getting stuck in the forest Stronger banning parameters to catch and punish cheating players and Alliances. I see just as many hacked bases as I always did.
  12. N

    10 Airfield Spaces?

    Video replays are really off, especially with planes, there is not a war that goes by where I don’t see 10, 12, 14, etc planes used and the wrong age... but it never hurts to report them, maybe they will get around to fixing the replays so they are accurate. Nexon has done a good job recently...
  13. N

    Cost to activate/change Generals

    ^ what he said, that’s what I do
  14. N

    Top alliance seeks cwa/sa/da

    Bump bump bump
  15. N

    Video issues on IOS

    Lol, this is a Nexon issue
  16. N

    Deja vu

    Post a screenshot
  17. N

    Transparency in matchmaking

    Interesting enough, our last 4 wars all matched up in an hour or less, so, I would assume the game thinks this is a “fair” match. As I expected, they went defensive in our current war, we are having trouble getting 5* on 1 DA base, if we do manage to 5*, they will eek out a time win on a tie...
  18. N

    Transparency in matchmaking

    Our last 4 wars were mismatched...our current war: DA 299 - DA 310 AA 243 - DA 305 AA 209. - DA 251 AA 187. - DA 263 AA 183 - Sa 254 AA 186. - CWA 248 AA 193 - CWA 213 AA 181. - CWA 224 AA 192 - CWA 202 GA 163. - AA 201 Glory is pretty close, rank on pl is close too, as you can see, all...
  19. N

    Video issues on IOS

    I have to reboot on the iPad every time I watch a video. On my iPhone about every 2nd video I have to reboot... sometimes I just DON’t watch them bc of the issues, that’s Nexon’s loss
  20. N

    Top alliance seeks cwa/sa/da

    We war back to back, win rate of 90%! Come check us out, see if we jell we’ll together!****Razors****