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  1. J

    Cheaters will prosper!

    I want my money back. This is BS. Some scrub lvl 25 cheater with every one of his buildings under construction beat my lvl 240 base with 5*, used up all my blessings and i cant even report him because their stupid CS link freezes when i add a photo. What a rip off this game is.
  2. J

    Decoy Causing Serious Lag

    Come on guys, this bug is making the game unplayable! If you arent going to fix the decoy tactic, at least make the sabotage and betrayal tactics use 1 spot again. Youre fuc$/7ing killing this game with these stupid ongoing bugs!
  3. J

    Trap Blessing Doesn't Work

    Same response ive gotten for over a year now on the carts bug. Now, have any of you,tried just raiding with 40+ raiders? My game lags to hell and back when i try. Very frustrating but ive given up reporting anything cuz of responses like this. Theyre always aware but cant fix sh$t. Why keep...
  4. J

    5.5 Reflections and how pay to win is killing the game for me

    If only Supercell would make a good war game... I joined this game because i thought itd be similar to Civ. It was a really good game for the first 8 months or so. It seriously went downhill after the greed took over. I get it, they need money, but there are so many ways to make money besides...
  5. J

    Supply Cart deployed never moved

    Good luck with that. Been like that for nearly a year. Ive reported about 15 times dating way back and its still broken so .... Ive also noticed wall miners going to empty spaces without walls, riflemen pounding away at a wall for 45 seconds when theres a hole 1 slot away, howys venturing...
  6. J

    I can't be the only one that finds this unreasonable (forest clearing)

    yep, its all those damn regulations and protesters. Ah, how i long for simpler times
  7. J

    How long until decoy tactic costs 2 spaces too?

    Great "feature". Please increase howy troop space to 25, theyre way too effective
  8. J

    LOL are you serious with these prices. Comon!

    But its a SALE! Normal price must be like $129.99 so if you look at it that way.....
  9. J

    Coalitions Improvements Design Spotlight

    My bet is $49.99 US
  10. J

    Coalitions Improvements Design Spotlight

    Why do you think theyre doing this? To be nice? Its always about finding ways to make people spend more money. This stinks. Level 4 & 5 coalitions will be prohibitive for most players so im guessing their use will go down even more, but hey, spenders dont care the cost so theyll pay up. Kudos...
  11. J

    Supply cart bug. Always getting stuck!

    Ive posted this bug numerous times and have written in to CS well over a dozen times with this bug. Screenshots, reports, etc for well over 6 months and the response is always the same - "we're aware of the problem". Bottom line is they either dont give a shit or they cant code for shit, pick...
  12. J

    Wheres the allaince trade goods Nexon??

    Maybe you havent noticed, but diamonds arent dropping 100% of the time on 5* wins either. More like 50% now....for me at least. But then again, i seem to be the only one having issues with healing carts so....maybe my game is bugged more than others, i dunno
  13. J

    We don`t want DomiNations to be Cash War – we want back our World War!  

    I suggest they put out some really cool deal like, for $10,000 you get 50 extra citizens for a week, or....for a limited time only, $100,000 and you win ALL of Dominations! Someone will buy it im sure. Hell, im guessing many have already spent close to 10 grand, may as well just get it over...
  14. J

    November Design Spotlight

    Im going to disagree. I see so many bases that clearly have already spent a good thousand bucks just to max out most Atomic buildings already. You may not have, nor have I, but many have. Nexon knows there are people out there who'll spend the cash to support the game no matter how many issues...
  15. J

    Please fix supply carts already!

    Surely im not the only one having this issue? No one posts here anymore huh?
  16. J

    Please fix supply carts already!

    this is getting old. Carts give up following troops after less than a minute. Why!?
  17. J

    A.i. questions

    Or R.S. Nothing artificial about it. I sent CS a long detailed message about it last week with tons of screen shots and all i get is "sorry for the inconvenience and we know about it". Just like replays being about 40-50% accurate since the beginning. They dont know how to fix replays, how...
  18. J

    I do 100% destruction but my whole army dies

    Yep, and healing carts are completely broken too. Riflemen acting more like wall miners than troop support. Game is completely broken right now
  19. J

    Network Error Disconnect

    And 100 crowns is so friggin laughable its almost insane. $1 as compensation for losing all troops, planes, tactics, blessings and...more importantly, TIME? Piss off!
  20. J

    Network Error Disconnect

    Everyone, please buy more estates and one use only troops for $10-20 a pop so they can have more money to fix the game. Its obviously our fault for not buying more stupid crap from them, they cant afford to fix it. Oh, and make sure your wifi is connected. :rolls eyes: