• Update 12.10 Delay
    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the previously mentioned update has been delayed. We will update our socials and here on the forum as soon as that rollout begins.

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  1. ademirk

    Google Play Notice

    This is a really bad decision. I'm prefer some crashing but still be easy to change accounts. I'm sure you will be able to fix those crashes, before this last change to open a Google play windows, I was experiencing occasional hang , but no crash. Please consider changing back!
  2. ademirk

    Manufactory Translation issue

    With the arrival of the manufactory building, we have a translation issue in Portuguese. The factory building and manufactory building are both translated as "fábrica". So in Portuguese, we have two buildings with the same name, causing confusion. My suggestion is translate the manufactory as...
  3. ademirk

    End of museum and council

    Do you know, you can roll the dices on museum 100 milion times, and do not get the artifact that matchs your strategy for the game. You need to set up strategy based on WHAT LUCK you got on museum. As I said before, no matter how much you made researchs on your troops or library, you always will...
  4. ademirk

    End of museum and council

    Museum have nothing about strategy, is pure luck. That's why my alliance just lost about 50 players , not to another alliance, but to other games who revenue strategy. I'm the 4a. Alliance leader, and about to leave leadership to play another game.
  5. ademirk

    End of museum and council

    I'm proposing and end, implosion of museum and council. Here's my point: You play 5 years, evolving your nation, choosing strategies, researching library, university, and you finally got a god MK11 with 120k life points, hard to destroy. But then, some lucky guy got a artifact that cut heavy...
  6. ademirk

    DomiNations 11.2.6 Hotfix

    I got and update 11.2.7 and now I cannot access my accounts anymore, game doesn't connect to google play
  7. ademirk

    Last update

    I notice same issue here, I tried to uninstall e install again, now I cannot access any of my accounts.
  8. ademirk

    DomiNations 11.2.6 Hotfix

    I don't know what you did in these update, but you did it right!! Finishing attack is very faster! I did you 1h retrain blessing without any error!! Congratulations!!
  9. ademirk

    Posting Bugs and Known Issues (Please Read)

    Platform (Android/IOS): Android Device: Xaiomi 11 T If PvP issue War/Matchmaking: all Description of issue: When you ask to retrain your troops, a connection error occur and you loose all your troops. You need to select every troop, blessing, etc.. again. Frequency of issue: all the time...
  10. ademirk

    Instant retrain problem is here

    Yeah!! This is not just a retrain blessing bug. It's a retrain bug. Even if you try to retrain your troops normally, a communication error occur, and you lose all troops, need to select one by one again. This is frustrating. I'm getting a pause on playing. Many other top players on my alliance...
  11. ademirk

    DomiNations v10.1 Update

    We need more strategy! Destroy museum and this new version of museum with characters called Council. This pure lucky tools, no strategy. You cannot attack a base based on there level or constructions, you need to consider that your MK you spend 3 years evolving have only 50% health because some...
  12. ademirk

    Summer for the Ages 2019!

    That +1/-1 rule doesn't apply anymore, from more than a year, my accounts could be attacked and attack at least +2.
  13. ademirk

    The Republic of the Philippines v7.3 Update

    Kratos, the alliance perk 3 bug is not listed on "bug and fixes" so, I think they don't plan to fix it, or the less 3 troop donations on war was designed.
  14. ademirk

    New update.

    What about this 7.710 update do? Nobody knows... no announce, no release, no explain... mystery.
  15. ademirk

    Bastions 7.1 Update - coming soon!

    Nothing about bug fix for donations on war bases ar working on -3 troops?
  16. ademirk

    War alliance troop capacity is reduced by 3 space

    The same here, for two wars in a row!
  17. ademirk

    Increased Alliance Gate capacities missing in wars after the matchmaking update?

    Same problema here. WW bases cannot receive their troops fully, only part, normally I saw Donation Capacity -3.
  18. ademirk

    World War Matchmaking - Design Spotlight 2019

    I think this is a great system. A question: Glories will reset to 12000, but will this affect alliance Perks level? A BIG REQUEST: Pls put the 15v15 queue back. It's the most popular queue for my alliance and I think it's true to a lot of others.
  19. ademirk

    World War Changes: Glory Decay

    Is this System Check just running? Will it run daily or only each 15 days?
  20. ademirk

    Washington Crosses the Delaware Event!

    The only problem with this events is that they are so short! We have only time to do one General upgrade, with some luck 2.