• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Search results

  1. King Crimson

    Why is this still happening BHG.

    Is it too much to hope that there's no response because they're all too busy getting the game in order - and a big huge announcement of the sort will be made soon??! 🤔 I would forgive every issue in the last 3-4yrs if that were the case.
  2. King Crimson

    Robotic Age / ETB?

    This. Is. PARAMOUNT. What's the point of getting new furniture if the roof is leaking? You're not. There's probably 1 - or maybe 2 - hundred thousand that feel the same. It's sad that this even needs to be mentioned ... constantly.
  3. King Crimson

    Tuppentaktiken den aktuellen Erfordernissen anpassen

    Yes TTs need a long overdue overhaul. Either improving their stats commensurate with regular troops or manufactory boosts or even just upgraded according to the player's progress through the ages. Or merging 2-3 TTs to form 1 upgraded level TT - anything would be a welcome change.
  4. King Crimson

    DomiNations Update 12.3 - Quality of Life Updates

    🤔 never bothered with a 2nd slot ... no incentive to now!
  5. King Crimson

    Retrain button disappeared when I started improving airstrip

    Really? Never had that happen but that would suck
  6. King Crimson

    Retrain button disappeared when I started improving airstrip

    This is likely linked to the retrain issue where, after an attack, back on your base the retrain button is faded out and you can't retrain your army. It's only when an airstrip troop is manually retrained, the button re-appears as normal. (at least this has been my experience) After all this...
  7. King Crimson

    Improve the troop layout

    Old request and often requested - you would think it's such a simple change to implement, right?
  8. King Crimson

    Please fix the game

    Where would they even begin ??
  9. King Crimson

    Temple of Artemis - Week Ahead 9/9

    Maybe, to other players, but they're often ignored by the devs.
  10. King Crimson


    Let the baby have his bottle 😄 It's a public forum but some people can't handle 'discussion'. Oh well ...
  11. King Crimson


    Why did i bother replying? I recall you asked me a question. And to be honest I haven't been playing much these last few weeks/months because the devs are not giving us any indication that they're concerned about the game - or our comments - or our concerns - or our frustrations. My comments...
  12. King Crimson

    DomiNations Sitrep #1

    Let's face it, there's a lot of crap that's been getting old lately and devs don't seem to give 'the same' ...
  13. King Crimson

    DomiNations Sitrep #1

    This might be balance in your opinion but I think you'll agree that to go to all the trouble that 'warring' entails, it's a pretty disappointing result for the effort. Even 3 or 4 stars is worth fighting for but 1 or 2 stars?? What's not considered "balance" is for 1 or 2 viable combos when most...
  14. King Crimson

    DomiNations Sitrep #1

    You all have valid points and the game may allow offense to be slightly stronger (because it should, it's an attacking game after all) but you can't deny that it's hard without lots of help - and often paying help - to get those stars. And as @Seek has said many times, a 3, 4, 5 star victory...
  15. King Crimson


    9+ yrs - and I'm guessing you're not yet Drone or Auto age? Yes they've made nice changes for new players to improve and progress quickly - but a building where veterans can share resources and museum artifacts and TTs??? This is the company that brought you the bastions then made a drone to...
  16. King Crimson

    Missile Silo - Random targeting

    I know I'm not telling you anything new - was just putting it out there. What's the answer? If smarter people than me are having trouble then I don't know ... I actually agree that the silo should target the high hp gens/merc that most people use as a decoy - AS IT'S SUPPOSED TO BHG! - but...
  17. King Crimson


    Make the game easier for players? As if!
  18. King Crimson


    They need to fix helis first, then I'll vote this for HTs.
  19. King Crimson

    Missile Silo - Random targeting

    If the silo is targeting your main body of troops, come up with something to counter it. A lego attack isn't supposed to take out a silo - you have bombers, transports or possibly infiltrators for that. You need to use troops that compliment each other, not rely on a one-size-beats-all combo. I...
  20. King Crimson


    Well, since we're asking the devs to cater for our own specific setup I'd like the range on helicopters increased to 7 - oh, and a speed boost to my artillery would be nice. Thanks for listening.