• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Search results

  1. V

    Secret war matchmaking tool

    Can you confirm that’s the same API dominations.pl uses to run its website? Sure nexon knows about this. They just chose not to act. Doesn’t matter if this is actually the alliance or an imposter. What do you guys think where the museum screenshots came from that were recently posted in this...
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    Omegaman how do you have access to museum stats? I want that too.
  3. V

    Adjust ratio of supplies/benefactors/researchers from expeditions

    I always have two workers busy at the dock. I have way too many reserachers and benefactors and way too few supplies in my storage. Considering that I need 2800 supplies and only 200 benefactors and 175 reserachers to completely unlock an artifact the ratio at which expeditions for supplies are...
  4. V

    Need more time for quick victory

    I think the QV victory time could stay the same (it makes it really hard right now but I like the challenge). I'd rather have another 15 seconds added to the overall battle time. I often see myself with 90+% having troops left but running out of time.
  5. V

    Museum counters the logic of progress-built game and there is an easy fix!

    I guess getting something back is better than nothing. It's just that you never lose any progress you accumulate in the university or library. Okay, perhaps you end up not using your Leo HT research but that is different as you can only research it once. There is an unlimited number of artifacts...
  6. V

    Museum counters the logic of progress-built game and there is an easy fix!

    Here is an idea how the museum could be a lot better. It's not one of the crazy ones that says give me 100% bonus on everything. I think this idea would incentivise players to invest real money into the museum and enjoy using it. Just like everyone playing this game, I continuously craft...
  7. V

    How many Mysterious Fragments per battle can we win? POSSIBLE BUG?

    as a cwa I know the following ones: global 5 stars: 10 atomic 3 stars: 20 atomic 4 stars: 25 atomic 5 stars: 40 cwa 1 star: 18 cwa 2 stars: 27 cwa 4 stars: 44 cwa 5 stars: 70. So it depends on your age, the defenders age and the amount of stars.
  8. V

    museum: 'defender spawn time -6%' vs 'enemy defender spawn time +6%'

    both of these do literally exactly what they say. One spawns defenders quicker (logically these are your own ones otherwise that bonus would be hilariously useless :-D) and the other one spawns enemy defenders slower. They can both cancel each other out.
  9. V

    Status of chat repair

    can you describe what exactly you did? How long did you stay outside? Did you join another alliance or just wait?
  10. V

    Beta Test Environment

    you wouldn't even have to offer rewards. People would just want to test for free.
  11. V

    Treasures of the World 6.3 Update

    TinSoldier could you find out if other buildings or troops were affected and how? Would be great to know.
  12. V

    Forefiting Wars

    I like the idea of it only being possible if the leaders of both alliances forfeit the war. We're pretty high up in the ranking and sometimes we get a war against an opponent where we can win tiny amounts of glory. There is no question of who will win and it is just as boring for us as it is for...
  13. V

    When is Saladin getting fixed?

    No idea but I doubt it. I am pretty sure they also only got a fraction of what they actually spent. I think this is the appstore being nice more than anything and the respective amounts they got back seem to roughly correspond to a given (rather low) percentage of what they have spent on the...
  14. V

    Hold the gates not working in world war

    I already wrote this elsewhere but it's equally interesting here: There are two players in my alliance who got money back from the apple appstore because Saladin is not working as intended (more than 400 Euros for one and more than 800 for the other). There are further players in my alliance who...
  15. V

    When is Saladin getting fixed?

    This might be very intersting for everyone who has finished Saladin. There are two players in my alliance who got money back from the apple appstore because Saladin is not working as intended (more than 400 Euros for one and more than 800 for the other). There are further players in my alliance...
  16. V

    When is Saladin getting fixed?

    Yes, it is stupid to think this affects all alliances equally because the opponent does not get the saladin bonus either. Good alliances strive on the fact that they can take down a maxed out deff in a good time while opponents cannot. It's not only that my teammates def is not working, it is...
  17. V

    Cold War Age Barracks Expertise Damage and Hitpoints missing

    I finished developing my heavy artillery. Now I have library and uni max, all three barracks, and the research in the armory is finished. My total heavy artillery damage is 1263. It should be 1378. I am missing more than 100 damage. I wonder why Nexon does not respond. Either change the barracks...
  18. V

    Best End Game Nation - Germans or British?

    Hey guys, just wanted to confirm this. The 15% attack bonus you get after winning a multiplayer fight applies to all units you use in the next fight? Not just the troops from you barracks and factory but also to the following: 1. Troop cards 2. Alliance troops 3. Terra cotta army 4. Generals 5...
  19. V

    Cold War Age Barracks Expertise Damage and Hitpoints missing

    Manifesto, somehow your number is off as well. Maybe not by as much as it is for me but you're still missing 9 damage. If you have your field howitzer maxed out at uni and library it should have 1127. If you add the expertise damage of 2 barracks you should have 1249 (1127 + 2x61). It looks to...
  20. V

    Cold War Age Barracks Expertise Damage and Hitpoints missing

    Just wondering if other players are facing this issue, everyone in my alliance seems to. My troops don't get the entire expertise damage and hitpoints that should come with an upgrade of my barracks from lvl 9 to 10. My field howitzers are the best example (also I was too lazy to do the math...