• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Search results

  1. D

    DomiNations Update 12.6 - Manufactory Updates

    Yes, I am one of the silently thankful. Looting manufactory materials is an important and welcome change. I’ll even suspend my ocd objections to the fractional nature of the looted materials!
  2. D

    Goodbye 8th Year - Week Ahead 3/25

    There is no way to claim the last 5 rewards of the Special Event: Goodbye 8th Year There are not enough “earn a QV” goal points available to collect them all.
  3. D

    St. Patrick's Day - Week Ahead 3/11

    Out of interest, will you be giving us the chance to collect the missing 4/10 bits of polycarbonate and missing 6/10 bits of glass to make those redundant fractions from the last event useable? Edit: just saw that this was already answered above - thanks!
  4. D

    Eureka! - Week Ahead 3/4

    “King Tut’s Tomb 3/5 - 3/12”
  5. D

    King's Tut Tomb

    The discount isn’t being applied. Remember you already get 10% off from library research.
  6. D

    Eureka! - Week Ahead 3/4

    King tut event has started, but the discount is not being applied.
  7. D

    DomiNations Update 12.3 - Quality of Life Updates

    Can confirm that university speed up requests are still disappearing.
  8. D

    Tactical Helicopters 🤮 PLEASE COMMENT

    I find them far superior to supply vehicles as they’re less kamikaze. I almost never have to retrain them. I find they can also be used with a superior bomber force to level an enemy’s defences and then rush the TC with heavy infantry.
  9. D

    DomiNations Update 12.2 - Museum Loadouts

    Was surprised to see someone 70 lvls below me pick up 2 stars on my base in MP today. Guess what? When I checked my museum loadout 1 had emptied itself… again. Sigh. @Harlems369th when will this be fixed please?
  10. D

    DomiNations Hotfix 12.2.1

    Museum loadout bugs persist. MP loadout 1 is overwritten (mostly to empty slots) every so often while logged out. Getting really bored of having to re-choose my loadout 1 about 5 times a day.
  11. D

    Thurgood Marshall - Week Ahead 2/5

    Or at least run a different legendary item as the prize. The last 3 are all repeats from the past 9 months. With so many to choose from why the same ones again and again?
  12. D

    DomiNations Update 12.2 - Museum Loadouts

    Some of us have different attack / defence loadouts. Currently it means individually swapping items out one by one.
  13. D

    DomiNations Update 12.2 - Museum Loadouts

    Great news regarding museum loadouts! It would be fantastic to have the same for the Council. We need council loadouts far more than additional councillors IMHO, and/or at least give us a pathway to achieving more legendary councillors. Currently it’s almost impossible after the milestone...
  14. D

    Council Milestones

    We really really need more milestones… will take 5+ years to earn even one more single legendary thru fusions…
  15. D

    Hobart's Funnies - Week Ahead 12/11

    Well I hope everyone is enjoying those unusable 6 bits of polycarbonate and 4 bits of glass that will now sit in our inventories forever 😂 They definitely gave us “a kickstart in upgrading your Munitions” right? 😜 Anyone prepared to admit it was a case of mistaken missing 0s (4 instead of 40)...
  16. D

    More than one Supply Truck in army

    You would have to drop them in different starting places, otherwise they follow the same movement pattern.
  17. D

    Hobart's Funnies - Week Ahead 12/11

    Yes, of course I did see that. Look, compare this event to the recent Black Friday week event, where each day 5 premium recruitment cards and one superior card were given away in the same manner. That event gave away worthwhile rewards each day, This event also gives away a superior card each...
  18. D

    Hobart's Funnies - Week Ahead 12/11

    I am not complaining. I pointed out what I believed to be an error. I also pointed out that these particular rewards do not make sense given the usual event rewards. As Maxis says above, it’s not like you have to collect 5 fragments of a 5 minute speed up before you can use it.
  19. D

    Hobart's Funnies - Week Ahead 12/11

    What kind of logic is this? They literally do give us legendary councillors for free (or at least the chance of getting them), and that is exactly the point of the events - to give away items to encourage regular participation. The current event does not achieve this, while the rewards...