• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Search results

  1. S

    French nation players beware

    With 4 years experience you should have known that barrack troops are useless. You can only blame yourself for spending crowns on upgrading them. Should they refund you? Probably not. Should they fix the issue, yes. Learn from this mistake and switch to factory troops.
  2. S

    DomiNations 2021: State of the Nation

    What you described is not cheater but big spender. You can't cheat museum artifacts, so that's one way to spot a cheater. But maxed bases, walls and generals are quite common and not that hard, especially now with crowns from recruitment. Golden Age blessing for example can help you max walls in...
  3. S

    Max air space at DA?

    8 is max, 9 with event building. Your DA player that says 10 is normal has no clue or is cheating so 10 might be normal for him/her. But what really happened is just bad replay, those are really inaccurate. You can report the player and see what cs does, but recently they just ban without much...
  4. S

    Anti-cheat policy or dirty method of WW winning?

    Leviathan but you do ban based on complaints. 2 players in my alliance were unjustly banned last few weeks. One for using too many strafing runs, I disproved that easily by recording an attack with almost double the runs that the player was banned for, and that with only 6 fighters. Ban was...
  5. S

    why do we need a facebook connection?

    https://gdpr.eu/gdpr-consent-requirements/ I would like to know what is being shared with who, and why since I didn't give you my consent.
  6. S

    why do we need a facebook connection?

    Are you sure these requests are coming from Dominations? Not to deny it, I use Pi-hole and Adguard DNS filters, but there's no way of telling what app generates the requests, only the device. You'd need to track that on the device to be sure. I also agree, if the game is making these connections...
  7. S

    This site is blue and unreadable

    They shouldn’t be reverting upgrades, especially something as critical as php. Regular updates are normal part of managing any software, and it should be done frequently. Security fixes, performance improvements, bug fixes, are all important reasons to keep upgrading software. Otherwise you’ll...
  8. S


    Main hall https://dominations.fandom.com/wiki/The_Book_of_Five_Rings - free from event https://dominations.fandom.com/wiki/Admiral_Yi%E2%80%99s_Helmet - free from event https://dominations.fandom.com/wiki/Captain%27s_Croix_de_Guerre - free from event...
  9. S


    Blueprints are free ffs. Quit your bitching and learn to play this game. 3* artifact upgraded once sells for 600 blueprints, and statistically you’ll craft one every 20 artifacts. And there were more legendary artifacts available from events, for free, than from sales.
  10. S

    Maxed out walls! and scams

    I upgraded all walls from lvl 19 to 20 in 4 days during one of the events, with event pass. It discounted upgrades by 25%. All it took was a lot of raiding. And like others mentioned, Museum bonuses and heavy tank Army are a key. Medals are debatable, I don’t see an issue even close to 3000, but...
  11. S

    Event leaderboard full of cheaters - what else is new

    It’s hard to tell if you don’t keep track of leaderboard. There’s one player that I see finishing in top in every single event, name t2ip. I don’t know how he slips through the cracks, no way anybody is spending thousands each event, even for really poor rewards.
  12. S

    Event leaderboard full of cheaters - what else is new

    So top 10 are over 100k already. Training 2 heavy tanks takes more or less 8 mins, that’s 400/8=50 points per minute. 100000/50=2000, that’s close to 1.5 day, in 5:30 since event started. Goals alone were probably less than 20k. Good job on giving the legendary cross to cheaters and big...
  13. S

    Event leaderboard full of cheaters - what else is new

    It’s possible to have a lot more with event pass. But nowhere near what top few have. With all goals completed on day one, and 5 bonus stages, I have over 38k points. Top player has over 260k already, 2:30 into event. Next few are just as blatant.
  14. S

    Event leaderboard full of cheaters - what else is new

    Top 3 had over 100k points in less than 30 minutes. And why is legendary artifact for only top 10 this time?
  15. S

    Event leaderboard full of cheaters - what else is new

    So again in event there are players gaining ridiculous amount of xp points in a matter of minutes. Some crossed 100k before I had a chance to finish quick victory goals. I don’t think you could even crown training heavy tanks that fast.
  16. S

    Allied forces law - needs clarification

    TheWise does this law increase alliance gate capacity or does it increase donation cap of troops we can donate to allies?
  17. S

    University research time is massively increasing after restart

    TheWise official statement on this? Cs didn’t even bother to respond when I reported this issue.
  18. S

    Server down same time every weekend

    They should just schedule weekly server downtime for maintenance, 1-2 hours. The game would probably run much better. Every normal business at least reboots servers weekly, and usually performs additional maintenance like patching, log rotation, os updates, etc.
  19. S

    Customer service ignoring people..

    Same here, it takes more than 2 days to get a response.
  20. S

    Unable to mute ads

    Last few days, or maybe weeks, I’ve been unable to mute ads. I need to keep tapping on mute icon and it instantly unmutes on its own. I might get lucky and mute it randomly, but something is not right. It’s already insulting that Apple allows ads to bypass device mute, now I bet it’s advertisers...