• Missing Crowns
    We are aware of an issue in the most recent update where Crowns are disappearing. The missing Crowns are temporary, as we have records of Crown totals before they disappeared. We're currently working on a solution and will update you as more information becomes available.

Search results

  1. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    War weight fix for Digital Age should be live now. There were 13 different entries that were missing weights (I don't have the full list in front of me at the moment or I'd share them). Let me know how weighting feels in your next Wars!
  2. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    Just talked to the designer doing the investigation this morning. Hoping to have the full list of changes ready soon (I believe he's wrapping up the final list by end of day) to go live this week. As an aside, this has also surfaced a side conversation in Design about how the weights are...
  3. BHG_Muet

    New war match system Terrible

    Hi sulbin! Thanks for posting. ARES is certainly an Alliance I keep an eye on. If another Alliance in the top 50 would have been in the queue, the system would have certainly prioritized that match instead. Unfortunately, there wasn't a suitable opponent for you so it grabbed the closest match...
  4. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    We've been investigating the weight reports and there do seem to be a few Digital Age buildings that have incorrect weights. Audit hasn't completed but I'm hoping to have it finished and pushed live to you all this week. For the new wait times, I've been monitoring and the average wait time to...
  5. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    The nature of it being harder to get more active players willing to queue together makes it linear. 10v10 is always the most full followed by 15, 20, and then 30.
  6. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    Hm. a 2000 Glory difference should have been denied at 27min and there should have been a minimal difference between the top/bottom of both of your Alliances. I'll pass this along to QA to look into. Thanks.
  7. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    I'm going to copy/paste my comment from the other thread with Dradis as I think it applies to several conversations here about stopping/starting your search. *tl;dr : stop cancelling your search if you want to not wait as long.* ---- I was asking about stopping/starting because each individual...
  8. BHG_Muet

    Muet, new war match system is really bad

    It looks like you were in the 30v30 queue. Naturally, that queue is going to have the least number of Alliances and waits will be longer. But, by 7 hours, the restrictions do become very lax. I was asking about stopping/starting because each individual queue entry is a refresh or new search. If...
  9. BHG_Muet

    Muet, new war match system is really bad

    How frequently are you cancelling your search for the 11 hour wait? I'll poke on war weights and see what's up.
  10. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    Yes, correct. The system doesn't remove the ability to sandbag but it does attempt to prioritize Alliances with similar compositions (something it didn't do prior to the update earlier in the year). So, even if your example Alliances had even Glory and even ratings, it would not pair these two...
  11. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    12 hours shouldn't be possible as the system would have forced your Alliance into a match well before that. It's possible that your Alliance stopped trying to match but got stuck in the queue. I'll investigate today. If you're ever in queue that long, cancel and re-enter the queue as something...
  12. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    War weights were updated with the release of Digital Age to include Digital Age (and Space Age was fixed a few patches ago). Are you all seeing Digital Age or Space Age accounts incorrectly weighted? When I mention "top-tier" Alliances, I'm generally talking about the small percentage of...
  13. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    I hate to give the standard "coming soon" response. But, for your a) and b), stay tuned. We certainly hear the complaints around bugs and security and have had a fairly long-running investigating on the tech side to discuss solutions for some of the bigger pain points in those areas. We've got...
  14. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    It is certainly more gradual and the goal isn't to wait quite that long; it should prioritize a match well before 24h. But, as an example, in the 10v10 queue, the old set of data allowed for a 20% difference in the two Alliance's Offensive/Defensive ratings after just 30min. The new set of data...
  15. BHG_Muet

    War Matchmaking Iteration

    Hey all, We've been looking at the pain points discussed here over the last several months for high-end Alliances and match quality. After reviewing a lot of wars and auditing queue health, we've decided to move forward with an iteration to the queue that considerably extends the wait time...
  16. BHG_Muet

    The Dawn of the DIGITAL AGE!

    I discussed this change at length with our combat designer and we went back and forth on the duration. Overall, we needed to pull more power from AR and the duration reduction was part of that. However, dropping it to 4s across the board was also a skill consideration. AR was always intended to...
  17. BHG_Muet

    The Dawn of the DIGITAL AGE!

    Quick update on the Bastion change. This change is intended to be a lateral adjustment that aims to address some of the frustrations around the increasing slow radius Bastions previously had. In order to standardize their slow radius at the higher levels we had to give a little back in order for...
  18. BHG_Muet

    The Dawn of the DIGITAL AGE!

    Sally Ride increases the movement speed of troops under the effects of AR. So her skill shouldn't be impacted by the removal of the attack speed buff that Assault Rally was providing.
  19. BHG_Muet

    Suggestion for Devs and Muet

    Hey there! I agree that it is vital for the team to play and understand the game. Playing on live is actually something I take pretty seriously and enforce within the design team. The designers here play on live in a variety of styles, up to and including top-end Alliance wars (our active...
  20. BHG_Muet

    Muet, please act immediately

    Sure. What's the Alliance name?