I am, just wanted to give an honest input from someone that’s been playing since day 1 so no one keeps spending on a game that has one foot in the grave.
All signs are here that the game is on it’s last breath. Daily server issues, no new recruits for weeks and pay2win everywhere. 3-4 level 80 generals on accounts not even a year old. No one in their right mind is gonna spend anything on this crap. There are now lots of other games better than...
After the latest update Im not able to log on to the game. It gets stuck at the loading screen. Have uninstalled/reinstalled but no go. Guess this is the end finally.
Airplane tickets from Nexon airways...we’ll get you there if the wings don’t fall off midflight...in case that happens, we’re aware of the issue and working on a solution.
Absolutely true, I even reported my for educational purposes hacked account. Nothing has happened, can still cheat away as much I like on that one. The thing is I don’t wanna do that, it gives me nothing. Is it really too much asked to be able to play this game fair and have all cheaters...
information age is next age, more of the same crap. It will never end. Game sucks so bad now I decided to delete even the for educational purpose created hacked account. This game should be used as a warning example on how you can turn something great into complete garbage.
I agree, it is obvious Nexon dont play their own game. I gave up after playing almost as long as you. The game is garbage now. The customer care and customer support is worse than a bad joke not to mention the total lack of communication with their customers. This is a good example of how to not...
Tried creating a new account using a hacked apk...free crowns...would be possible to max out everything in no time. The security is a joke. No ban yet, not even a warning.
Hope is lost here, game deleted after over 4 years of playing. The game is only about greed now, Nexon dont give a crap of their customers. Cheat away, nothing is gonna happen and whatever you do, dont even consider spending anything on this garbage.