• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. vdciii

    Silo counter help

    watch youtube replays and yes deploy generals and tank destroyers at one side, the most common thing to do
  2. vdciii

    How are you using Instant Retrain?

    right after my first attack at the last or first hour of war
  3. vdciii

    Terra Cotta vs Colosseum at Cold war age

    alright i guess imma stick w my colosseum for now
  4. vdciii

    Terra Cotta vs Colosseum at Cold war age

    just wanna know your thoughts about those two especially fc is not that appealing anymore with missile silo meta when people wins by 50% rush than town center rush. any thoughts between the two especially when using all heavy tank kind of raid and war. thank you
  5. vdciii

    New use for Generals

    implement this. listen to your players
  6. vdciii

    navy units

    I would love to see more of this. Like farm a larger amount of oil with naval raid.
  7. vdciii

    Food for walls is urgent! Like if you agree :)

    Nope i dont agree. Leave everything as is.
  8. vdciii

    Elite Generals Alliance is rising,

    I think i ll join this one. How?
  9. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    I assume its because of the location. I tried both ipad 2 and xperia z, and it didnt give me any starter pack. But when me and my girlfriend met i tried opening my acct through her iphone 4s, and surprisingly it gave me the option to buy it but when i purchased it, it didnt give me anything. And...
  10. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    Even the old ones were able to have it too.
  11. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    Oh ya. Thanking for the bugs
  12. vdciii

    Network Error Connection

    It happened to me as well, it feels like theyre disconnecting me so that others could attack, then after the siege, connection is stable again for who knows until when.
  13. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    And theyre nit even replying. Oh gad. See i already tried 5 devices. And none of those is giving me a starter pack. Pls ms aulia, care to read and respond to this. This is a support from us for this game.pls give us a chance to do so.
  14. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    starter pack available to everyone Pls. Give everyone a fair chance to be able to purchase it. P L E A S E
  15. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    Aulia, any news on this one? Unlike marcti, both of my device are not giving me the pack. So i have none left. Pls help
  16. vdciii

    [BUG] facebook connect

    Yup i still cant connect. My ipad freezes when i pressed f"acebook disconnect" to connect it.
  17. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    Even in my new phone i dont have my starter pack, so does that mean youre just going to leave marcti behind?
  18. vdciii

    Glitched base?

    Teach pls. Interested hehe
  19. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    Will buy that starter pack right away as soon as that bug is fixed. Pls fix this pls
  20. vdciii

    PROMO / Starter Pack

    Yes pls. I need this one