• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Heisenberg1913

    1st dynasty NOT hacking

    Hahaha way to go.
  2. Heisenberg1913


    Join Ownage easy going group who like to have fun fighting wars.
  3. Heisenberg1913

    World War unofficial leaderboard

    Ownage got a bit lucky in last war. It was a close one until we got our second attack in. We move to 17-1!
  4. Heisenberg1913


    Check out Ownage today if your searching for a great alliance.
  5. Heisenberg1913


    16-1 in wars come be apart of a great alliance. Join Ownage today!
  6. Heisenberg1913

    What percentage of loot can be stolen from command center?

    Does anyone know if your upgrading command center can you still get war res once war is finished.
  7. Heisenberg1913

    World War unofficial leaderboard

    Ownage picks up another win. 16-1
  8. Heisenberg1913

    Contacting player

    We use line also great way to talk strategy and keep track of members if this should ever happen.
  9. Heisenberg1913

    World War unofficial leaderboard

    Ownage is now 15-1! We've had some good battles lately.
  10. Heisenberg1913


    Bumping this up! Join Ownage today!
  11. Heisenberg1913


    Check out Ownage great alliance currently 14-1 in wars.
  12. Heisenberg1913

    Gengis khan event

    So true I'm scared to even try an attack on my iPad. Been doing my war hits on my phone. Every time I tried one on the iPad it crashes iPhone no issues.
  13. Heisenberg1913


    Ownage win another war now 10-1! Join today if you're looking for a active alliance.
  14. Heisenberg1913


    Check your Pm also!
  15. Heisenberg1913


    Check your PM!
  16. Heisenberg1913

    How many catapults are available?

    I believe you can purchase an upgrade that gives you an extra catapult. I just don't remember what age that was.
  17. Heisenberg1913


    9-1 in wars join Ownage today!
  18. Heisenberg1913

    World War unofficial leaderboard

    No Title Ownage picks up another win 9-1
  19. Heisenberg1913

    War map donations,

    Let them be if they can't figure out what you mean.
  20. Heisenberg1913

    demolition tactic doesn't make sense

    It's a worthless tactic in my opinion.