• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Zorglub08

    DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level

    where is the level 5 of these 2 drones ?
  2. Zorglub08

    Automation age

    i hope they add new mercenaries and new wonders🙏
  3. Zorglub08

    DomiNations Update 12.0 - Automation Age

    Apart from manufacturing, do you plan to add anything else related to the automation age?
  4. Zorglub08

    The Manufactory

    THIS is a good update! Praying for you to add more content in the age of automation!
  5. Zorglub08

    DomiNations Update 12.0 - Automation Age

    this means that there will be no new buildings producing new units ? (like the drone factory?)
  6. Zorglub08

    DomiNations Update 12.0 - Automation Age

    And they miss wonder! They miss (I hope not) for a new type of unit! (Like the small robot in the presentation wallpaper)
  7. Zorglub08

    DomiNations Update 12.0 - Automation Age

    Where are the pictures of the news units ? Where are the news wonder? Why you not do a trailer on youtube???