• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Burnner

    Not receiving DomiNations World account ‘Forgot Password’ emails

    @EgisPhalanx no that error was in reference to logging in on the web with the SIWA associated email at first it would give this: then if I tried to make an account with the same email it would give this Now while attempting to answer your question about the device login/account creation...
  2. Burnner

    Not receiving DomiNations World account ‘Forgot Password’ emails

    Ah I see. No, it says the email and password are not recognized however if I go to create an account with the same email it say the email is already associated with an account and to try again with the proper password. This is originally why I was attempting to reset the password.
  3. Burnner

    Not receiving DomiNations World account ‘Forgot Password’ emails

    I have not had any issues with the online DW login thankfully. Only that the password recovery email never sends to my email. Not sure what you mean by SIWA. What the reps have had me do is log in and out on my main device and adjust permissions. Unfortunately this hasnt fixed the issue and has...
  4. Burnner

    Not receiving DomiNations World account ‘Forgot Password’ emails

    So, been going back and forth with customer service with this over email the last few days and have hit a sort of feedback loop thats not progressing. They tell me to enable email sharing when logining in with Apple ID and contact them if the issue persists. I enable it, I still dont get the...
  5. Burnner

    Support Ticket Pending

    Support Ticket Pending
  6. Burnner

    Not receiving DomiNations World account ‘Forgot Password’ emails

    Hey @EgisPhalanx , thanks for the quick reply. I emailed support as you suggested and am waiting for a reply.* Ticket 40155 confirmed just waiting for review now I can confirm that toggling password visibility shows the the pwd is showing up in the field correctly for both Account Login and...
  7. Burnner

    Not receiving DomiNations World account ‘Forgot Password’ emails

    Having this same issue, cant log in to link my accounts. Attempted to reset the password however the email never arrives. Tried to submit a customer support ticket but the site cannot be reached bc the host server is not responding. The work around suggested above didnt work for me...