• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. worship01

    Issue with opening chests today

    Restarting seems to have fixed problem, but I don’t see the present event anymore in top left. Maybe they are postponing event due to this issue?
  2. worship01

    Issue with opening chests today

    I see new issue with trying to open up troop chest I got from Marco today. It is supposed to have 8 items but I only get two. The chest then reappears in my inventory. It is same for the Lords chest and Antique chest I have. Everything is behaving really strangely with chests today. Not...
  3. worship01

    Poll: What do you think about the current game balance?

    Poll on current game balance (offense vs. defense)
  4. worship01

    Defense is overpowered = game not fun anymore?

    I’ve been a daily player for 2 years and have maxed AA army, have been at 3000-3200 medals for some time. But with all the numerous defense buffs over past several months, especially the missile silo, defense is now overpowered in my opinion. Only 1 person has 5 starred my base in over a month...
  5. worship01

    Shipyard boringly predictable..

    I was just going to write the same thing. They need to increase the variety of awards available from the shipyard. Also, the 2 day expeditions for troop cards are currently not worth it because they give global age troops max, and I am at atomic age. The only one I ever do is for the wall...
  6. worship01

    Missile silo

    Exactly my point.
  7. worship01

    Missile silo

    Maybe the decoys didn't work in the video because the missile silo has to be in the decoy's range. In other words you have to place the decoy nearer to the missile silo. Did anyone try that?
  8. worship01

    Summer for the Ages: Favorite Features Poll!

    Thanks for the 40% boost! I see it took effect now.
  9. worship01

    Video ad rewards

    Perhaps they disabled that part of the update?
  10. worship01

    Video ad rewards

    Right after the last update was released I got almost 100 crowns total from watching the 5 video ads in game. But since then all I've seen is 3 crowns per video like before. I thought the update was supposed to significantly increase the rewards for watching these videos?
  11. worship01

    General George Washington: Permanent or Temporary?

    For $9.99 for one time use is definitely not worth it. If it was a .99 or even 1.99 I'd give it a try. I remember when they sold ghengis khan for .99 a piece and I bought a bunch of them.
  12. worship01

    What's so Atomic about Atomic Age, Nexon?

    I'd like to see something that puts out a little more smoke into the cityscape, like the power plant. Perhaps you could upgrade it to a nuclear power plant. I really liked the power plant, I think it should be there all the time.
  13. worship01

    Positive feedback

    I like the challenge and the battle/league rewards. Also I don't like being raided for resources time after time on defense and getting no peace treaty. I almost never get raided, it is all people who want to 5 star me.
  14. worship01

    Positive feedback

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I play almost every day, and I use fairly standard mixed army (howies, shooters, healers, APC) The challenge is that I'm at ~3200 medals and I want to stay in that range. So most bases are pretty tough.
  15. worship01

    Positive feedback

    I like that the current event gives 3x credit for heavy tanks, generals, calvary, etc. Previous destroy the defender events (flamethrower, etc) did not and I could never complete them. Looks like I'm actually gonna be able to complete this one.
  16. worship01

    Please make the oil boom permanent

    Agree 100%
  17. worship01


    Well it will get people to log in more often to empty their oil wells :). It will also improve oil raiding significantly since 50% can be stolen from oil wells.
  18. worship01

    The 4.0 Battle Refactor and You!

    I had this issue happen to me last week and CS pointed me to this exact topic in the forum. So thanks for reviving it again. It definitely needs fixing.
  19. worship01

    Unstable game crashing?

    Same here tonight. 5 star victory in war and saw battle summary screen. But it only registered my attack for 29% and 0 stars. Our alliance lost war because of this. I sent ticket to CS
  20. worship01

    Tactics and Stronghold changes in Update 5.5 - Poll

    Oh ok I was talking about without tactics blessing, I normally don't use that