While the World War Replay Beta was introduced today, the team fixed a few other World War bugs as well. You can read about them here:
The Atomic Age glitch (that affects war ranking) has also been corrected with today's Beta. You can see the additional World War improvements here: https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexonm-games/dominations/bugs-and-known-issues/586333-world-war-fixes-improvements
That's correct!
~24 hours in advance of any weekend discounts, they are posted on the DomiNations Facebook and Twitter pages.
It's actually quite a good video.
When the Oil Refinery is nearly empty, there are no barrels that appear out in front of the tank.
If the Oil Refinery is moderately full, there will be a small amount (5) barrels of oil in front of the refinery.
When the Oil Refinery is completely (or...
World War improvements are now live!
In addition to turning on the World War Replay Beta Test (https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexon...test-6-13-6-27) we have fixed two issues that have appeared in World War: Players having the incorrect War Ranking, and Stars earned during World War that don't...
The fix for this is in internal review.
Sorry for the delay!
More details can be found in Known Game Issues,
Hi Petrolucio!
You may be able to find the answer to getting push notifications here:
If that is still unfruitful, you can also contact Customer Service from there.
Hi obsidi!
Did the copy of the Feudal Army remain duplicated in your Stronghold after you reset (completely closed) the game?
If so, could you please contact Customer Service with some details about this process?
You are very likely correct - perhaps the Network had it show in both places...
Hi Felipe XIX!
The player information is handled differently than other logging, in some places. If you know more details about your crash, please let Customer Service know, so we can track it more closely and attempt to head off similar crashes in the future.
Hi Arja10000!
Have you been able to get into the game for the past few days?
I'm not sure if this is a one-off issue, or a residual from something else. You may want to try to open your base editor to see if there is a different layout selected. (One that may not have all of your buildings...
Hi Quovatis!
Thank you for your well thought out, constructive feedback. This is the type of discussion that we love seeing!
I've passed all of these notes on to the development team, and their goal is to begin focusing more on balance changes. The Bomber in particular is something that...
This has been added to the bugs and known issues thread.
A fix is being worked on now.
As I understand it, there is no planned compensation, since both sides could encounter this issue during...