• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

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  1. R

    Training time

    To update the topic of this thread, CoC just released a patch a few days ago which dramatically speeds up attacking in their game. You can now build two complete armies, and save the second in a queue. Thus you can attack once, go back to your city and immediately attack again with the second...
  2. R

    Training time

    You're an idiot. This is a forum to suggest improvements to Dominations, and that's exactly what I did. If you think people should be saving the world then start with yourself, and go hang out on a save the world forum. At the end of the day Dominations is a product, and consumers have a...
  3. R

    Training time

    By the way, the Tactics Blessing is FAR too expensive in resources to be a solution to this. (Made more problematic by the fact that casting Tactics blessing uses up the resources you need for the all-important Armor Blessing). And even with the Tactics blessing it's still around an hour and a...
  4. R

    Training time

    The biggest problem with Dominations is the glacial pace of rebuilding your army between attacks, and especially of rebuilding Tactics. The accelerated rates we have enjoyed during the event this weekend are actually what it should be like all of the time. Normally it takes something like 3...
  5. R

    frame rate in battles

    The frame rates in this game on my iPad Mini 2 have been getting steadily worse and worse over the past several months. This is only during battles. Tonight is the worst I have seen it...barely playable.
  6. R

    World War Tournament

    1) this is WAY too complicated... it ain't the World Cup 2) an Alliance with less than 10,000 pts is by no means a "junior alliance" 3) there is no way in hell they are going to invest the time and resources to make something like this happen that excludes the vast majority of players (as your...
  7. R

    Petition for MORE FRUIT TREES- Official

    I have a much greater need for 1 more mine than 3 new fruit trees. They're only about getting the trade goods, the food and gold are a small bonus. The reason 1 more mine is more important is because the mines are prone to prolonged spells of bad luck, since there are only 2 "coins" to flip...
  8. R

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    I never claimed that there weren't legitimate wars between the Europeans and Indians. However, the complete removal of people of Native American ethnicity from the eastern seaboard went far beyond war to what we would certainly today call ethnic cleansing. Also, some "wars" were the result of...
  9. R

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    The Native Americans did not "lose a war" and they were not assimilated. They were forcibly removed to reservations on the poorest, most barren land in America (where many continue to live to this day). The America that did this WAS white and American continued to be ruled by whites until at...
  10. R

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Nothing you have stated here is evenly remotely relevant to your argument that the Native Americans should be depicted as evolving into the United States: --- Rome is not depicted as evolving into a Barbarian kingdom --- the Barbarians did not ethnically cleanse Romans from the Italian...
  11. R

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Hey, since you guys are so devoted to the academic pursuit of history through playing this game, here is a suggestion: Since the Japan side is badly in need of a buff, I suggest adding a benefit that when they attack a Korean city, and win, they bring home Comfort Women -- one for each star...
  12. R

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Ambria JT, you are an idiot. I didn't say we couldn't have the U.S. because of how they treated the Native Americans, I said that it is ridiculous, grossly historically inaccurate, and offensive to depict Native Americans "evolving" into White Europeans. And that goes for you, too...
  13. R

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Native Americans were ethnically cleansed from their lands by European Americans (and that's putting it lightly), therefore it is not appropriate to depict them as "evolving" into the United States. This has nothing to do with Rome and Italy, where we are talking about the same people under...
  14. R

    Roman and British Buff?

    I feel that the Romans and British are pretty appealing as they are... if I welcomed a buff for the Brits it'd be out of self interest,as I would like to play them. I find the Japanese to be the most underpowered side, bordering on useless (the Japanese and German special units are...
  15. R

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Pretty sure Native Americans would find their civilization "progressing" automatically into the United States quite offensive. If they want to do something with the Americas the Aztecs and Incas have always worked in Civilization. I'm onboard with the idea of civs you can only get to via...
  16. R

    New Nation can't be European, Asian or the USA!!!

    Russia is in Europe; India is in Asia.
  17. R

    New Nation: Russians

    The unique unit seems greatly overpowered, as British Longbowmen only gain +1 range and no other attack bonuses.
  18. R

    Radiospace's Suggestions #2: Naval Development

    NAVAL DEVELOPMENT Too Long Didn’t Read Version: Do the Rise of Nations thing with the water. Full Version: Redraw the map to make the river an ocean. Make the overall map larger, if possible, to accommodate a somewhat larger area of water. There should be two new...
  19. R

    No more defensive cannons!

    Nerd them? Like, put beefy eyeglasses and pocket protectors on them?
  20. R

    Which is the next Nation or Civilisation you would like to see in Dominations?

    The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands, to fight the horde and sing and cry: "Valhalla, I am coming!"