Noticed attacking couple of bases in world war, their splash damage is pretty potent especially against infantry and riflemen. I had to use betrayal to neutralize them quickly. Another stupid anomaly that should be nerf'ed...
Ashara alliance has about 13k medals and their members are mediocre industrial accts. I wouldnt say they are extremely strong but we face them in world war. Boom, they had 100% 5 stars 19/20 on our nearly maxed Global accts. The thing is their defenses are not entirely strong but all their...
Check us out Lords of War: we have 38-39 members but looking for smaller crews to join us. Going thru a transition with active and inactive players. message me if u r interested. we fight ww continuously win or lose. active alliance with 4-5 co-leaders. Thanks
Hi all, we are looking for new members to join. Current size is 39 and looking to fill open spots. If you are active gamer and enjoy fighting World War, check us out. We also request members to meet donation ratios. Prefer people to chat but not required. If you a single player, give us a try...
Bunch of our alliance members had the same problem, lost about 100 medals last Saturday around same time as their network error. I didnt play much Sat just to log in and I check on Sat noght and boom, 100 medals less. Went to alliance and ppl stating same but not all effected. Mainly US players...
I'm sure people already posted that they lost medals out of nowhere. Well they just took 36 medals and disappearred while i was online. This has occurred 3x for a total 92 medals lost while i was spending crowns to achieve 2600. Now 3200 is never to be achievable with this ongoing bug. I'm so...
We face the worst of all Korean cheater alliances. We are a decent alliances winning 80% of the wars except when we face cheater alliances. Today's current war is by far the worst of them all. They smashed of us with a max score of 150 stars on a roster of 30. Most of them are less than 120...