• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Houkai

    October Legendary Calendar

    @Harlems369th Please exchange one of the gloves for ASDIC Type 113X
  2. Houkai

    State of the game

    While I can believe there is an issue that affect some players, I do not believe that it is a game ending issue. I mean come on guys, it's just a simple nerf to the cavalry.... wait, no. It's just the british archers... ah darn it. I mean, you upgrade AT guns for those pesky EA... Oh. You are...
  3. Houkai

    Twitch Stream

    Thanks for the info.
  4. Houkai

    New Events Are Here! (FAQs)

    It's OK to copy CoC. It's not OK to charge 4 times the money. The new even system is cool(like any other game nowadays) but it's expensive. P.S. Why Ash? Why can't you find someone else to narrate... like TinSoldier?
  5. Houkai

    Twitch Stream

    I saw an ingame message 2-3 days ago about a twitch stream being scheduled. Did I miss it? I can't find any information about it anymore.
  6. Houkai

    Six Momentous Years: 1939-1945 v7.4 Update

    I smell Battle Pass incoming.
  7. Houkai

    Least Used Troops in the Game - Stats!

    Every time period had it's "meta". In the beginning it was all cavalry until it was nerfed. The players cried out it pain, it was chaos. From the chaos a new meta emerged - balista shooter combo. This was the period of British dominance. Until the missile silo was introduced. It was chaos and...
  8. Houkai

    Update 47.11 - coming soon?

    My last hope is that they will ban them in a bundle. But I have the bad feeling they want to first find a fix for the matrix glitch.
  9. Houkai

    Congratulations you just killed the game

    If only I got a penny every time the game dies. Not even a cat can do what Domi is doing :D
  10. Houkai

    how should the Assault Rally be?

    How about AR losing protect, while increasing the range and effect of the real Protect. That way it will be a nice combo. AR's DPS can be lowered but not by much.
  11. Houkai

    Silo missile

    So another useless gimmick. Seriously, it's like playing lottery with these guys. They can't do anything right.
  12. Houkai

    The Space Age 7.0 Update

    And that's why I smell a nerf coming it's way shortly after :)
  13. Houkai

    Balance Changes + Decay Update

    Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Make up your mind! My only ire is with the video crown reward reduction.
  14. Houkai

    New Low From Customer Service. HT Stats Incorrect

    This is out of this world. When players know more than CS :D
  15. Houkai

    Biggest Problem Today

    Couldn't say it better myself. You sir, deserve a medal :)
  16. Houkai

    BHG Nexon Data

    You are not asking PC questions. The corporate shills would rather die than address their playerbase like real men. On the topic, while there are people playing, the amount of abandoned bases is disturbing. And no, most of us no longer pay a single dime. I laugh when BHG first offered "just for...
  17. Houkai

    Chest with chance to get Croix de guerre.

    In the empire of lies, truth is treason.
  18. Houkai

    Thoughts for the Museum

    Here is an article from a Dominations player that people would classify as whale in regards to the museum. A truly sad day for the game :/ https://www.loymachedo.com/dominations-has-nexons-dominations-become-a-gamblers-game/?fbclid=IwAR3dfHk0ZTY-QvHbqXzTvbmX4MCV9LMLJJH73Lh4MiiPOo7HliP4LyCshtY
  19. Houkai

    Chest with chance to get Croix de guerre.

    That's how they indoctrinate you in the gambling world. Do you honestly think those percentages are the real deal? Trust me when I say this - First win is ALWAYS yours, courtesy of the house. For the house knows that at the end of the day, your money will be it's money. Be smart, stay away from...
  20. Houkai

    Twitch Live Stream

    There are two main problems with the live stream: 1. Ash 2. Paid troop promotions