• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. M

    Question regarding Ransom Olds University Leader troop munition bonuses

    @Harlems369th Does the troop munition damage and HP bonus under University leader Ransom Olds apply to both offensive and defensive troops? Or does it only apply to offense?
  2. M

    Museum / Coalitions / Council Stats

    It’s still worth investing in museum, of course, just not more than -85% on debuffs. Same applies for me as a defender. For example, you can’t go past -85% invading airstrip troop damage between coals/council/museum , so I invest in other debuffs like inv mortars, inv paras, etc. Besides, for...
  3. M

    Council Committee Update

    It definitely helps defense in war to offset attackers with high EDST debuffs of 100%+
  4. M

    Council Committee Update

    @Harlems369th Had a question about Boudica’s Uprising Committee bonus +20% Spawn Speed Near Wonders. Is the radius near wonders the same as the acropolis bonus for spawn time reduction? Also, does this bonus stack with the existing spawn reduction of the acropolis?
  5. M

    Instant Retrain/Video Retrain Bug

    Just had the same instant retrain bug occur. Consistently has been 1 transport not instantly retraining with the instant retrain blessing.
  6. M

    Instant Retrain/Video Retrain Bug

    As of recent, instant retrain and video retrain have been bringing all troops except 1 of my transports back. All ground troops and my other air troops retrain, but 1 transport does not return.
  7. M

    Museum / Coalitions / Council Stats

    @Harlems369th Do museum/council troop buffs also affect those troops on defense? For example, if the artifact/councilor line is +10% Bazooka or Heavy Tank Damage, would rocket arsenal/bunker troops gain the buff on defense as well?
  8. M

    Request for token sale

    Not sure if the token sale is just due to the post but I did want to say a big thank you for giving us this token sale.
  9. M

    Request for token sale

    Can you please put up a legendary token sale next week? The ASDIC is finally out and I’m within 50 tokens. I’m sure there’s plenty of others who would happily purchase tokens too. Thanks!
  10. M

    November Legendary Token Calendar

    Currently to make it in the top 100 you would need 1.7 Million points which is over 708 days worth of speedups. I would also assume if Māori is in global event, the minimum for top 100 would be significantly higher.
  11. M

    November Legendary Token Calendar

    Will there be any legendary token sales to help those that are close but not close enough to purchasing the ASDIC in time?
  12. M

    Museum / Coalitions / Council Stats

    I have a similar question! In council under active war benefits, does the stat line “+20% defender spawn speed near wonders” equate to an additional -20% defender spawn time if the defensive building is near a wonder? @Harlems369th
  13. M

    QoL Suggestions

    I have been playing DomiNations since the year it came out off and on. The game has come a long way and I have a couple suggestions to further improve gameplay. #1: War Museum edits while searching for world wars. Our alliance is in wars back to back and if the search takes longer, it is...
  14. M

    New Legendary Artifact - Week Ahead 10/2

    In the token calendar threads, I made a similar comment. If they are selling the most sought after war legendary’s in chests for $$$, it’s unlikely they get offered anytime soon for free at Marco Polo.
  15. M

    October Legendary Calendar

    Seems unlikely any of the most sought after war legendaries will be offered through Marco if they’re making $$$ through chest sales. I’m a defensive player and am most likely buying the Gemini 8 gloves since they’re unlikely to release ASIDC or Māori if they‘re making such a big deal about the...