Hello leetari,
Join ToTal DomiNance.. We are an Active Alliance and our Leader is VERY ACTIVE. Im also active as well. We have Different timezones and that...Me and my leader is inactive due to that Situation. But, Trust me.My Alliance will try harder to be Active. We are 3 members now...
Dissagree with this topic starter guy. You have to wait long hours for the upgrade of your building to be completed. Its like Patience and Stragedy. Think of A building that is important for you to upgrade.
AI Needs work. Im good with that. Also, This game is almost about to FAIL. But, we will...
Dont you know who Created DomiNations? It was Big Huge Games and they are the main developer who created DomiNations Before BHG Reincarnation (Bankruptcy in the last few years)
BHG Parthner up with Nexon. Right now, Economy is low...No Alliance war thus Global Chat.
Okay...I was just Looking for players and i am in Classical Age. I have to press the NEXT BUTTON EVERYTIME For me to find a worthy player to loot. Then, all of the sudden...the Economy is low and its worst. Also, I heard ALL OF THE PLAYERS WANTS GLOBAL CHAT AND ALLIANCE WARS!!
Just Joined your Alliance. Looks awesome, this will be my new home. Im daily player. Also, we have different timezones and i have school related work.
Also, please Allow players 5 days if they are inactive..they will get kicked out of the alliance :)
Hehe...on the second Thaught..i have found my new home. It has a Unique name. Slayer didn't accept the Name change to SACRED KNIGHTS.
I cant beleive that my new home is actually amazing. :)
Maestro, what alliance are you in?
(My Suggestion) : I Agree with you. The developers should put more roles in the Alliance. It is better because i dont like the way having more Council's. That is like being a Secondary Vice Leader.
Slayer, why you kick me out? Because i think that your alliance is not active? Slayer..im sorry. Im a daily player. But, i got real life issues. We have different timezones. But please, can i Join again please? :)
(Former Council member)
Thank you Shaze. Im an Honest player as well. My Best choice is the ROMANS because its awesome. But, I think the developers should put 10% troop storage just like the ROMANS. It is not BALANCED and its not fair to all players.
This is what the players are asking: If i picked Germany and i made...
I see your point. I have the same thing as well. I get PvP match with a High rank player that is Classical to Mideval. I choose to fight a Classical player and it looks easy. But, we can change the PvP match-making system by Clicking here...
Dont forget that once you build your wonder and you made a mistake. You can change it again for 600 crowns. But, it will changed once you Go to this link below.
im going to quit this Alliance soon if Slayer cant change the Alliance name. Also, inactivity. I know we have different timezones..but, i wanna chat with people :)