• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. LuSt

    Cheating in world war

    @TheWise @Harlems369th you guys should read this and forward it to your bug department to improve the quality of the game and reduce false tickets about too many air troops. No, im not going to report it to CS… we all know how that works out.
  2. LuSt

    Cheating in world war

    Sigh…. Ok I’m going to explain this the best I can. I’ve had it happen to me on my own hits and I was curious why the replay showed the way it did. This is what I discovered. Replays are NOT accurate (obviously). There are a few different reasons why and I’ll explain them one at a time...
  3. LuSt

    Main Hall loadout bug

    Found a bug when swapping between different loadouts for Peace Hall (aka Main Hall). When you swap loadouts and try to do a multiple player battle it fails to find a match. Need to restart app then it works. This is in iOS, not sure if Android is effected by it.
  4. LuSt

    New Legendary Artifact! - Week Ahead 4/15

    Has BHG ever contemplated taking a poll on what players believe are useful legendary lines for peace hall and war hall artifacts? Its stuff like this that really gives the impression that you’re disconnected from the community. I’m not saying make every legendary godly but to have a better...
  5. LuSt

    Season 7 - Swift & Stalwart

    @Harlems369th @TheWise i would like some clarification here… Under “New Offensive Strategies” you only have Ranged Infantry and Armored Cars listed… But… In game you also have Paratroopers listed 🤨 A) Can you confirm which one is correct? B) If Paratroopers are supposed to get seasonal...
  6. LuSt

    Community Question - What Hotkeys would you like for DomiNations PC?

    Not really… it’s quite easy to do using a PC. Simply create a macro of specific button clicks deploying troops then speed up the macro 2x or 3x. Start the attack and click 1 button. BOOM instant troop deployment. Playing on PC is an absolutely horrible idea that promotes botting. A ban-able...
  7. LuSt

    DomiNations Update 12.4 - Custom World Wars

    With the release of the Merc Camp upgrade (and therefore the next tier of Mercs), shouldn’t Sun Tzu also be spawning the T10 Heavy Tanks instead of the Type 99 Tank?
  8. LuSt

    DomiNations Update 12.4 - Custom World Wars

    Thank you for the fast response and clarity 😊
  9. LuSt

    DomiNations Update 12.4 - Custom World Wars

    I noticed there’s already an update in the App Store. Does this mean the double drone spawn is fixed today? Or will we still have to wait until April 1st when the other stuff goes live?
  10. LuSt

    See war stats

    I don’t think the focus is on stats of the alliance as a whole, but being requested that we are able to see stats of enemy bases with all the various forms of buffs to troops in the game consolidated into 1 simple to read page when viewing an enemies base during war. (Also let us view our own...
  11. LuSt

    DomiNations Update 12.3 - Quality of Life Updates

    It’s been about 3 weeks now. As I originally commented this has progressively made a larger impact as more and more alliances reach perk 23. If you still have no update on this then can you please emphasize the impact this has on your game to the team? The drone was never designed to stay...
  12. LuSt

    Calculation of attack speed

    Knowing BHG logic… it means you’ll do less attacks but CS will tell you everything’s fine 😂 😂 😂 Kidding kidding… kind of… 🤔 The way percentages typically work with BHG is additive and you would do 17-18 shots per 10 seconds. Your second example would be depicted as a negative percentage as...
  13. LuSt

    Season 7 - Swift & Stalwart

    If the whole point of this event is to try something new, wouldn’t the objective be to try ranged infantry and armored cars? If the movement speed debuff makes them too slow to clear a base then how does that make them a viable unit to try? 🤔 As for “moaning” about it being pointless, I...
  14. LuSt

    Season 7 - Swift & Stalwart

    Agreed. The movement speed reduction for both ranged infantry and armored cars make them a non viable unit to use. Really hope BHG removes the movement speed reduction all together, otherwise they’re just not a viable option to use for the next 2 months and defeats the purpose of these seasonal...
  15. LuSt

    Munitions for troops on defense

    Never trust CS, do your own testing. CS have no clue how their own game functions. My suggestion is this: Set up a war base that pushes everything off to one end of the map, crammed into a corner as much as possible. In the open area put a bunker. Then make sure you have the increased...
  16. LuSt

    DomiNations Update 12.3 - Quality of Life Updates

    Bump @Harlems369th ?
  17. LuSt

    Prevent Medal Droppers

    So what’s wrong with free crowns? 😉
  18. LuSt

    Eureka! - Week Ahead 3/4

    Considering that the Uni research time decrease is also capped at -85% like everything else in the museum, it’s safe to assume they meant Space Needle will be -20% overall.
  19. LuSt

    Drones reset to default, no upgrades, BUG after update.

    Second response from CS…. This is getting ridiculous… after the first response I explained everything was unlocked when Drone Building was first released. Which is well over a year ago… how tf am I supposed to remember the exact date/time?!? 😂 This is why players complain about the quality of...