Thanks for making a sticky thread on it. Hope it proves useful for the other players that are on Marshmallow. This game is fun to unwind after a hectic work day. Glad I could help :)
Found out the issue. Connecting the phone to the computer and running logcat after setting up adb and related system drivers, I was able to resolve the immediate crash upon startup.
Here's part of the logcat:
12-03 20:58:55.932 12946 12946 W ResourceType: Invalid package identifier when g...
Thanks for confirming. I'll have to adb it tonight, in hopes of finding out the function call the app is failing on. I'll provide a more complete response when I find it out.
Hello and to whom it may concern,
As the title suggests, I am having an issue with stock android on the Nexus 6P. DomiNations immediately crashes upon launching the game. No permissions are being asked, which is leaning towards something not being set properly. I haven't rooted either. My Note...
UPDATE (08-28-2015): I am able to play again with my cloud-saved data. It began working after I was attacked again. Now to level up some defense structures.
I've been playing Dominations for about five months. It's a good refresh apart from Clash of Clans. I hope to see ya in-game. My IGN is my username here, WhyteFyre. Alliance: Battle Born
I've been a Dominations player for about five months. Yesterday, 08-26-2015, the game was fine in loading my cloud-saved data. Today, I am unable to get past the loading screen. It force closes at the loading bar screen. I have done the usual Clear Cache/Clear Data routines from the Application...