• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. D

    Cant connect the game after update

    Make sure you have ios updated, or you will experience this
  2. D

    Stuck at title screen

    Update IOS and it will load again.
  3. D

    Event question

    You will not be able to do those goals if you upgrade, unless you have someone to revenge, or do it in war
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    It would save everyone from having to report an already banned account as well as not bothering CS with unnecessary cheat-reports. I don't understand why this hasn't been suggested before? (flag of shame)
  5. D

    Join Dunder Miflin

    Mifflin, with two f's
  6. D

    Looking for my old alliance mforgot the name.

    He is in Valahia now.
  7. D

    Should you take advantage of Instant advance to next age or not?

    You will struggle no more or less as Space Age than you do currently.
  8. D

    Can the flying General Zhukov be killed by assassin units?

    That is because first aid heals Ground Troops.
  9. D

    Searching for Immortals

    http://dominations.pl/?page=ranking_alliances&search_alliance=Immortals you can search for player names in the list of players
  10. D

    All Enemy Defensive Damage - World War Hall

    If your opponent has +30% defensive towers damage, your full 100% is applied, leaving 30%.
  11. D

    Help me rejoin my Alliance

    Wolfpack has Kasaray and Chrisanistan
  12. D

    Ranged Infantry or Riflemen/Archers bug in City Center.

    Donated shooter range stats have been visually off for over 2 years, i suspect other stats could be visually (hopefully) off as well https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexonm-games/dominations/general-discussion-aa/570989-british-black-watch
  13. D

    Annoying bug and even more annoying support executives are absolutely useless

    Retrain will also queue training into upgrading factories and air strips.
  14. D

    Dead of Mitra

    It seems to be Italian for SMG, or possibly something to do with the pope's funny hat.
  15. D

    King Tut’s Tomb Event

    or the worst
  16. D

    Christmas Ball Event

    They chose to have 5 chests as final prize instead of the legendary for ages below Gunpowder, possibly to avoid things like the OP here. I would happily have had that legendary sitting unused in my inventory for a couple of ages instead of the chests
  17. D

    Combat Rebalance Design Spotlight (Stage 4)

    Nov 2nd, día del juego muerte
  18. D

    museum artifacts on 'display' should be *displayed* to all scouting attackers.

    I am indeed trying to have fun in retraining my army and planes, but i am indeed having sort of a hard time there