• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Sirhara

    State of the game

    100% agree. Balance is way off and troop tactics should supplement your strategy, not be the main focal point. There's no fun or point being a defender right now other than to slow attackers down in a time war from 90 seconds to 2 mins. It's soul destroying for our defenders (this is coming...
  2. Sirhara

    Update 9.2 Bugs

    Starting the list: Missing artwork for (at least) Voltiguer and Genghis Khan.
  3. Sirhara

    University research time is massively increasing after restart

    Just to repeat, this is not specific to Enigma, it's happening more widely and started 12 to 16 hours ago
  4. Sirhara

    University research time is massively increasing after restart

    This is not just related to Enigma legendary, others are seeing it to. The time seems to increase from between 2x and 4x the original value. I have a research of 2d 3h becoming 4d 23h after restart. It looks like something implemented last night?
  5. Sirhara

    Enigma machine not working as intended

    Still waiting here too, it's been over 6 months for me...
  6. Sirhara

    War base friendly challenges should have all war effects

    Attacks on war base FCs should be like any other war attack and consider: attacker and defender coalitions (with troops) stronghold should spawn on proximity It's a weird halfway house at the moment with donated troops and SH being included and war museums being accounted for, but it's a bit...
  7. Sirhara

    Cheating is out of control, what are you doing about it?

    My concern with the cheating is that it's so widespread, and by people who also spend that it becomes risky too to correct. If they can find a way to plug the exploit holes then roll players back they could lose a lot of revenue from those who both spend and cheat. But it really needs to...
  8. Sirhara

    Cheating is out of control, what are you doing about it?

    I'm Digital Age, playing near the top of the game (top 50 alliance). Most wars we come up against are filled with cheating bases. There are a mixture of cheats such as infinite TTs and unreasonable progression. There are so many 330+ level bases that are just not feasible when you check their...
  9. Sirhara

    Remove the flashing gradient background for satellite scan

    I love this game, I'm not a complainer, I want to be constructive and help make the game better. ​​​​it's a GREAT tactic, don't misunderstand me, it's just the animation. One of the reasons I'm making this post is also because I imagine it's quite easy to remove. Perhaps you haven't had scan...
  10. Sirhara

    Remove the flashing gradient background for satellite scan

    The satellite scan has 2 visual indicators, the reticles that appear over targets and a fading wash dark background. The reticles are great and do the job without the need for the background change which is distracting and disrupting. For the first few times you see it, it's interesting and...
  11. Sirhara

    Do war spying reports update?

    Hey BHG_Muet ​​​​​​ Is a report captured at the moment you click the Spy button and stay as a snapshot of what the player had at that time (I'm thinking museum here)? or does it update whenever you hit the spy button? Or just update once at the start of war day (as with base layouts)? Thanks!
  12. Sirhara

    National Trade Good (NTG) Solutions/Discussion

    Introduce a new building (or use an existing like storehouse or command post) to offer trading of NTGs. ​Take the original Marco option of trading in 3 of one type for 2 of another but make it a much wider scope facility so that there is always an opportunity to trade for the type you need. It...
  13. Sirhara

    BHG, $250? Are you serious?

    Yeah $100 was about my price point. Oh well, I guess I'll feed the family instead.
  14. Sirhara

    New event system is fun

    Great event, thank you. I imagine it wasn't your intention to have people glued to the crafting/war base donations screens for hours on end, but definitely eventful and engaging. I hope there can be some other ways of accruing points in future that requires more skill and less pure grind but...
  15. Sirhara

    What are the 1hour bans for?

    Hey BHG_Muet, Thank you very much for the response. It is actually quite possible, as some of the other replies here are suggesting. This is not new, people have been doing this on previous donate events for a while now. You simply need to 'dump' the troops on war planning day from your base...
  16. Sirhara

    What are the 1hour bans for?

    TinSoldier it would be great to get a response for this. We have some very honest and decent players who have invested a lot in this game saying they are quitting because of this. This would be such a great shame for an otherwise exciting event. People might be pushing it in ways you have not...
  17. Sirhara

    What are the 1hour bans for?

    Fwiw at least one of the players concerned "only" donated, no crafting. It was a LOT of donating.
  18. Sirhara

    What are the 1hour bans for?

    Hi TinSoldier I know a couple of people who have just received 1 hour bans for "suspicious activity", but they have no idea what they have done wrong. It seems to be related to the event as they worked tirelessly to get really high event xp and have been removed from their group leaderboards...
  19. Sirhara

    Are the SA ranking changes for war live right away?

    Yeah same here, war weight seems about the same before. we are all Space Age, but some of our top defenders are at the highest numbers in the war
  20. Sirhara

    New UI is garbage.

    Thank you :)