• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. W

    DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books

    @Harlems369th . Read the comments and answer the following questions: why is there no balance in the game? why only mortars, transports and artillery work against defensive bases? is there any plan for the other troops or will the imbalance continue? why increase the mortar damage in the next...
  2. W

    DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books

    Dominations used to be a strategy game. Today's discussion is about those who use hacker servers and spend a lot of money. I have to disagree with the fact that you have to be super strategic against 3D, the guy just needs to have basics buffs for mortar, transports and artillery. We must...
  3. W

    DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books

    Rafar, I am fine! What about you? Of the 5% mentioned by Rafa, less than 1% are honest players. There are several players who are using hacked servers. Moderators of this game should keep an eye on the event leaderboards. It is not natural to have players with more than 2 million points. If not...
  4. W

    DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books

    Adding advice and museum, I have over 150% damage to the MRL troop and the Bomber - each 150% damage. The Bomber has over 190% health. Unfortunately, I can't fight against 3D, the bombers simply don't have the resistance of the transport and effectiveness of the paratroopers. The paratroopers...
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    DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books

    @oddin What is your attack data? Please provide museum and council percentages
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    DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books

    As you just said, the only viable troop is the mortar. Unfortunately, it is the only viable troop against 3D, there are no other troops to attack defensive bases. As I said in my first comment, there are 16 troops (barracks and factory), but only 2 work. Not to mention the disadvantage that the...
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    DomiNations Update 12.9 - Parliament Branch & Library Books

    @Harlems369th I am a VIP 9, I know several other VIP 14+ players. We have the same question, I think 98% of the community has the same question. Why are you, the organizers of this game, prioritizing defense, artillery, mortars and transport? Have you forgotten that there are other troops? Have...
  8. W


    É improvável que vejamos outras tropas alcançando 5 estrelas contra uma base 3D, principalmente devido à nova atualização da Drone House (redução na distância das tropas). Isso significa que todas as tropas terão sua capacidade ofensiva reduzida. Tenho que discordar de muitas coisas que vi nos...
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    The Iron Curtain Descends - Week Ahead 8/12

    Os mortos precisam ter o dano reduzido com urgência. Existem várias tropas no jogo, mas apenas os morteiros parecem funcionar. Sem equilíbrio o jogo perde completamente a dinâmica estratégica, todas as tropas deveriam ter o poder de destruir bases defensivas. Hoje as tropas de morteiro são as...
  10. W


    I would like to know why the game is so unbalanced, why only the mortar troop works? Why not have a balanced system? It is unfair to those who play with other troops, the game programmers need to reduce the damage and firing speed of the mortar. Otherwise, will lose players. They are ruining the...
  11. W

    The Road Ahead: Summer 2024

    Add the Supermarine Spitfire Engine to Marco's event or market next month, it's a great war artifact. The game forgets to focus on all troops, only mortars, artillery and transport are capable of eliminating defensive bases. Something needs to be done to stop the mortars