• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. F


    lol...play coc...youll have even a worse time. how do you think these games work?? Play the game...build your base and upgrade your army and progress in level...thats the whole point. If you are having a hard time drop in medals and you'll find easier bases. Searching 20 times is nothing you...
  2. F

    Enlightenment Base Layout Question

    lol thanks for the useful contribution brah...At least you are funny i give you that
  3. F

    When is the Update of DomiNations?

    Game is basic and rogue right now. But a lot of potential and obvious updates to come. My guess is somethings where made this basic on purpose for future updates. Hopefully bugs will get fixed to coz this game is swimming in them. But as I said so much potential lets hope things go the right way
  4. F

    Enlightenment Base Layout Question

    The primary means of obtaining resources is by attacking. 8,370 gold per hour is really nothing compared to what you can gain with a few troops in a few minutes. Jeopardising your defence and your resource storages for 100% roads increase (4,185 gold per hour) is not the best thing you could do...
  5. F

    ANNOUNCMENT: Server maintenance.

    maintenance ended earlier than scheduled. i don't know if there is any loot left for you guys we going nuts here
  6. F

    Notifications for Maintenances

    Nexon thank you so much for the last maintenance. This game has fantastic content but is full of bugs. Glad to see good work is being done. However could I suggest to disallow raids 5 minutes before the maintenance and send a notification to players online? Abrupt maintenances like this can...
  7. F

    Crashing Game - lose all troops?

    Ipad 2 here. I crash ALLLL the effing time. The game is unplayable. Losing so much time, crowns and troops for nothing. record so far is 7 consecutive raids 7 consecutive crashes. all within the first 30sec - 1min of battle. Attack doesn't get registered in attack log, i dont get the resources i...
  8. F

    Fairer Multiplayer Matching

    lol I thought being able to balance matchmaking yourself is part of the game. If you want to farm find an appropriate amount of medals to do it. If you wanna push expect to have to compete with higher level players. Your request defeats the purpose of the game
  9. F

    Continuos crashes

    I am having the same problem its incredibly annoying. Game crashes every 5 minutes and often when I'm raiding. I lose all my troops and the raid, no replay gets posted in my attack log. Also I just got attacked and smh didn't get a peace treaty. was a 100% 5 stars