• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Tygari

    Why Bother with CS?

    I hate how CS locks the threads so you can't respond. They didn't use to do this.
  2. Tygari

    General George Washington: Permanent or Temporary?

    Which is stupid. Their just turning off more and more of their customer base from spending anything. Which is only forcing them to charge more to the ones who do pay which turns off more players from spending. The cycle just keeps on spinning till the game dies.
  3. Tygari

    General George Washington: Permanent or Temporary?

    The event sale is unclear. Is his purchase permanent or temporary? If permanent I will buy. If temporary than as always I am not interested.
  4. Tygari

    Aztec Temple

    Will we ever get the chance to purchase permanent buildings? Maybe come Christmas 3 buildings can go on sale. Players can buy a single one they like and it would be permanent.
  5. Tygari

    Aztec Temple

    They also say 7 day duration. This one doesn't.
  6. Tygari

    Aztec Temple

    CS responded to my question saying it is 7 day limited. I won't be buying it then.
  7. Tygari

    Guilds Donating Troops Against Request

    This happens in every guild. Especially ones that are multi linguistic. As I said. It could be fixed with a simple program.
  8. Tygari

    The ability to block certain players from donating to you

    They don't need a player block. That would be hard to program. They need a troop request menu. It would be easy to write a simple program that let you input what troops you would like. This would block someone from donating something you don't wish. Those saying you should move guilds are...
  9. Tygari

    Campaign: Expanded or Abandonded?

    MartinK12 That sounds pretty cool. Great post.
  10. Tygari

    Aztec Temple

    I came here to ask the same question. If it is permanent I will buy it. If it is temporary I will ignore it like all the others. Do people really buy all those temporary buildings?
  11. Tygari

    University and Great Leaders should be changed.

    University needs to be unlocked from age limits. Great leaders should be age locked. When a great leader is unlocked we should be able to research it to capstone immediately. This unlocking pieces of them seriously sucks. Especially since most of their techs are usable by all ages. Why are...
  12. Tygari

    Campaign: Expanded or Abandonded?

    Nothing has been done with Campaign mode since the game was released. Has this part of the game been abandoned? ​​​I always hoped to see more done with it. ​​​​​​With campaign only unlocks. Such as a special building unlocked after completion of campaign. Not only more campaigns but also hard...
  13. Tygari

    Traveling Merchant

    I like to see trades of wine, metal, fur, leather, and diamonds for national goods. Maybe even trades of gold and food. But that be super hard to balance.
  14. Tygari

    Serious Redoubt Buff!!

    Redoubts only need range.
  15. Tygari

    The 50% discount events are great.

    I feel the 50% discount events are great and hope to see them continue. The most useful one I believe is the for forest clearing as lack of space hurts everyone. The next best one is Library Research. It allows the unlocking of techs priced to high for an age that has if unlocked. I like to see...
  16. Tygari

    Serious Redoubt Buff!!

    Their range is crazy short. I feel it could use a boost.
  17. Tygari

    Guilds Donating Troops Against Request

    When I request troops I request a specific kind of troop. But often I get what ever junk someone feels like hoisting on to me. This forces me to dump it in a campaign fight and try again. People simply don't care as long as they can raise their troop donated count. So I was thinking why not link...
  18. Tygari

    2nd Factory Upgrade Incentive

    I disagree about factories getting their own troop space. But I do agree factories should increase max troop space. Maybe +1 or +2 per level?
  19. Tygari

    Should University Level Be Attached To Age?

    It feels to me the university is the one building that should not have its level attached to age. This stops lower age players from researching the tech tree and getting the final keystone boost. I feel the University level should be detached from age. The only people who this would hurt are...
  20. Tygari

    Colosseum under powered in late game.

    I rarely use SotG and would happily trade it off for a more powerful garrison aspect from Colosseum. I use the Colosseum for its defensive aspect which is the most useful part of it. Seems most of you need SotG to fight. So you all must not raid very often.