• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. D

    Bored Silly!

    This game is also about testing new strategies including maxing & testing every single troop, every single war tactic, every combination that makes sense. And crafting. I understand if you prefer to relax and have citizens build, but then indeed the game is not optimal. And yes starting new...
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    DomiNations Update 12.12 - New Account Management System

    Hi all I bet more and more players are now able to access their accounts using the new system, which to be honnest have some nice advantages. It may be the time to raise the question - what about those days players could not access their accounts ? Part of the issue is, They could not...
  3. D

    Unable to log into game after latest update

    Not sure to be glad :ROFLMAO::eek:
  4. D

    Awesome thanks (y)

    Awesome thanks (y)
  5. D

    Hello, My main account is "buddho", I am a member of "Invictus Wizards" alliance. I can only...

    Hello, My main account is "buddho", I am a member of "Invictus Wizards" alliance. I can only play buddho in DomiWorld, cannot access it on mobile. is it possible to fix this accounts? Thanks Have a good day
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    DomiNations Update 12.12 - New Account Management System

    This looks like a great perspective to be honnest and thanks to detail it. It is also important to understand a few players already left this game ... because this bug is not 1st bug, it is 100th bug. Today, some players cannot access their accounts and cannot do their attacks - their...
  7. D

    DomiNations Update 12.12 - New Account Management System

    I tried - to load a base in DomiNationsworld - to change google play settings to ask another account to load But same here - it is last used account which is loaded, no matter what I do.
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    DomiNations Update 12.12 - New Account Management System

    @mduffor @Toni well FWIW my situation seems to be properly described : I may access domi world & switch but am unable to switch on mobile game. I will miss my world war attacks o_O
  9. D

    Robotic Age / ETB?

    Yes indeed it is great to know Robotics is already worked on, but please fix the most important bugs first, like obviously museum loadouts. It has been an important new feature but is 100% buggy and this has been discussed numerous times here.
  10. D

    We are sorry 200 crowns? Thanks but not enough (501 error exception follow up)

    And the problem is not one single people to complain. The problem is the whole dominations community knows .
  11. D

    We are sorry 200 crowns? Thanks but not enough (501 error exception follow up)

    Hello, First thanks for the new features you bring to this game, and thanks for the 200 crowns + 4 hours speed up reward after the big big big connection issue we had. Now, I think it is important we community write - that this type of incident does *NOT* happen in other games. There are...
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    The Road Ahead: Spring Edition

    Oh and Mercenary Camp! how can i forget this! no mercenaries no world war!
  13. D

    The Road Ahead: Spring Edition

    Great idea. Awesome. The big win would be Fort & War academy. Doing world war without generals is a no go , let alone without war tactics where even MP starts to be an issue. Barracks, Libary, University, Parliamenent, barracks are nice to have but definitely not as important.
  14. D

    Munitions for troops on defense

    Indeed Jolly : do not use replay for testing. Record attacks.
  15. D

    DomiNations Update 12.2 - Museum Loadouts

    First thanks for museum layouts. This is an extremly important feature to have & I hope you will continue to improve this game. Yes there are bugs regarding this feature. It is unclear at the moment which behaviour we have, but at the very least visual issue, maybe even wrong layouts apply. It...
  16. D


    Eventually this 3rd slot might be added at high age like Info age or even Drone. But yes at some point, it becomes impossible catching up with 3 or 4 level 110 generals + planes ( 6 upgrades per age per plane... ) + Troops for TC or other donation like MRL / AC / MG / Infantry + Troops for one...
  17. D

    Outfitting munitions - should not be locked

    It is certainly expected to have defenders need to upgrade defense buildings. Not 100% sure it isn't expected to need to also upgrade offense units ( I do not discuss the machine gun here. This is an official requirement for defenders to upgrade MG in armory. So this case is specific.)
  18. D

    Outfitting munitions - should not be locked

    Uh ? Yes I am auto age but obviously my armory is running 24 hours a day, resources are definitely not an issue !! My APC is maxed. But not my infantry .. not main battle tanks... Who has maxed main battle tanks ?