• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. M

    Banning Cheaters - Kudos Nexon

    nope, they just cheat again and again, etc.
  2. M

    Sandbagging - I thought I had seen it all

    hmm, has anyone seen one with half iron age? Just curious. I'd expect to see that more often.
  3. M

    Coming discount event from 16/9 - 19/9

    my alliance really appreciate your heads up. THANK YOU. Lucky I checked the forums. I don't look that often.
  4. M

    2 war leagues please for f2p and p2w - normal and wallet league

    If players could reach the top of a league for free, why would they pay? If a game makes no money to pay employees and maintain servers, etc., how can it continue?
  5. M

    Sandbagging - Nexon Responses

    lol. Love your 4/5 star analogies!
  6. M

    War academy and tactics are completely out of control!!

    That explains why things aren't trained. But its a whole other thing to lose tactics that were already in the inventory :(
  7. M

    World War Penalties

    Nah, the real problem is fixing crashes. Once they fix that, all battles should count. Either 1 attack each, or each base can be hit with two highest scores or something like that. Once all battles matter, stacking would be insignificant. Punishing alliances/players is not fun. There are lots of...
  8. M

    Two successive events!!

    I kinda think the next event started a little early, and I missed collecting my rewards...
  9. M

    Punk move by alliance member.

    If you demote members (especially for missing a war IMO - where life could happen, etc.), they're likely to be unhappy about that. So, if you don't want to risk that drama, demote to ally status. Of course similar reasoning applies to promoting people, gotta be careful of your actions as leader...
  10. M

    Reduce war attacks to one each

    This approach will fix iron age stacking :) Or maybe only force players to attack counterparts, 2 attempts? However, this would make it more difficult for weaker mid-range members.
  11. M

    University question. (or is a bug) ?

    when I get some bombards its 10 spaces, though I've done the research. So maybe it only follows if both have done the research.
  12. M

    Bring back Diamond Mining or....

    at that medal level where you are getting 1 diamond "at most", it is so easy to get 5 stars for a guaranteed diamond. Furthermore, daily bonus does not give max 1 diamond. I've gotten 4 plenty of times. But you need to be in higher leagues. I've got almost 200 drums oil drums on my base.
  13. M

    Glory Update

    It seems like it. There is glory indicator showing potential glory earned from war.
  14. M

    Are you are Great Leader?

    Mythic, Global Age, lvl 157
  15. M


    Yup, when you don't get war loot, report it and the relevant details. I've gotten 300 a couple times. Or you could purchase them!
  16. M

    Anti-tank gun tower not AI working

    for towers, they can shoot in both directions, so the "range" is actually half. But for cannons and archers they shoot in 1 direction. Well thats my best explanation for how it works (though i don't agree of course). Thats why catapults with 10 range are the only towers that can hit british...
  17. M

    Questions about the workers

    I recall seeing my Chinese workers change genders. As far as them running to the town centre, thats fine. Presumably the TC is better protected than their houses. They might even be packing cannons. Baby workers? My workers usually don't have time for silly activities like that :D The extra...
  18. M

    Rigid medal system aka The Story About 1/39

    Hey Chris :) I'm pretty sure Royal Canadian hasn't played you :) (though we have played a couple of alliance I've seen on forum). I absolutely agree the metric should be better.
  19. M

    Rigid medal system aka The Story About 1/39

    I've spent a few weeks in empire. In my opinion its not worth it. Rather annoying actually. I prefer to play than worry about medals. But yeah, both situations suck. Now only if players were more evenly distributed among leagues.
  20. M

    Rigid medal system aka The Story About 1/39

    There wouldn't be bases to attack then! Hence no opponent issue in empire.