• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Graewulf I


    Growing, Active Alliance! Power and Glory is fighting Wars and winning! All active members(15), but we want to GROW. Join us today!
  2. Graewulf I

    DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level

    Who was the model for Zenobia, Sophia Loren? Not bad!
  3. Graewulf I

    DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level

    No new Library books. Everyone is getting stupid by the minute. We need NEW Library wings please.
  4. Graewulf I

    DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level

    Hopefully next Update will address these…
  5. Graewulf I

    DomiNations Update 12.8 - New Drone Command Level

    Yes swordman03, thanks, I have been asking about the “coming soon” Library update for quite awhile.
  6. Graewulf I

    New members needed

    Power and Glory. Join today. We need a few more members so we can War.
  7. Graewulf I

    Power and Glory

    Appreciate that!
  8. Graewulf I

    DomiNations Update 12.4 - Custom World Wars

    My Library is done. Any new book selections coming? The librarian is getting real bored… Maybe an internet Cafe?
  9. Graewulf I

    Join Power and Glory Alliance today.

    New Alliance looking for new members to join our active Alliance.
  10. Graewulf I

    Power and Glory

    Power and Glory we need 1 more member to have 10 needed in War. Join us today. We have fun but are solid when it comes to our alliance. Have a look, say hello, then we conquer! search: Power and Glory
  11. Graewulf I

    Victorious Ones now recruiting

    Join us today! 😎👍🏻
  12. Graewulf I

    Dead Alliances

    That was my exact time I had mentioned to the Game. 100 days.
  13. Graewulf I

    Why I'm quitting

    I agree totally with your post. My only complaint is that there are so many inactive Alliances when you are searching for a new one, but even that isn’t a problem with players that are solo or in a long relationship with same Alliance.
  14. Graewulf I

    Dead Alliances

    The Alliances with no one active for over 100 days or so should be eliminated. Give notice maybe, but when searching for Alliances to join it is ridiculous to have to scroll through hundreds of Alliances where even the Leader has hung up their hat long ago. Please please wipe these off. Thanks!
  15. Graewulf I

    Victorious Ones Alliance . Join for the New Year!

    We have 3 active players and our immediate goal is to have 10 so we can War which is the natural progression in this game. No medals 🏅 to join! Starting out we ask for at least once a week activity. Once we get to 10, we hope you have the motivation to participate more often. Check us out today!
  16. Graewulf I

    Victorious Ones, A New Alliance for active players! JOIN!

    Victorious Ones, is a fairly new Alliance with only 3 members. I, Graewulf I, am the leader. I am committed to helping new players grow and succeed. I am at level 243. I would like 7 active players to join me so we can War. Join us! 100 medals 🏅 to join, but I will make exceptions. I would like...
  17. Graewulf I

    Looking for Alliance members!

    Building new Alliance for new or advanced players. Join today!
  18. Graewulf I

    Looking for Alliance members!

    The new Alliance, Victorious Ones has a place for you to build, grow, and learn. Hang out here and when we get to 10]
  19. Graewulf I

    New? Join an Alliance!

    Alliance forming: Victoriousaints. Come join and learn a few things along the way.
  20. Graewulf I

    Victoriousaints Alliance needs you! Join today.

    Come learn, War, Grow and have fun! We will be victors!