• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. T

    Game disconnects mid battle

    I have exactly the same problem, Adi. I’m running on a powerful, updated iPad with a high speed WiFi connection, I get network errors mid battle, losing all deployed troops, mercenaries and generals. Extremely annoying. It’s been happening frequently the last few days. I’m not having any network...
  2. T

    Alliance Limbo

    After sending a messade to Customer Support, they have permormed some magic and the alliance now works properly for me. Thanks CS for your help! 😊👍
  3. T

    Alliance Limbo

    Today, I left a very small alliance (family members only) and tried joining the larger alliance “Sverige 2023”. Something seems to have gone wrong. DomiNations thinks I’m not in an alliance but when I try joining one, it says I can’t because I’m already a member of an alliance. When looking at...