Another war lost to cheats, Iron Age taking out space age IR Academy was reported as war started and nada, nothing. no response why war ? why spend ? why bother when no one cares ? as you can imagine we are very frustrated and angry as nothing is ever done, this has dragged on for a long, long...
Guess what no action from tin or Cs and we lost another war to this cheating alliance, frustrating is not even close to how we feel, why war ? why spend ? if irons can hit space age I am ready to pack this in after 3 years it war reported early for action to be taken and zilch nada nothing no...
War match up's are really poor again, it was ok for a while then it all went to the dog's, I am reading certain Space age upgrades will lower you war weight and some players know what upgrades to do this with.
So the more space age players you have helps as you can then lower your alliance war...
At Scots Guards, we are serious about World Wars, but we also like to have fun. Our in-game chat is almost always buzzing with players from around the world offering great tips for both beginners and war-scarred veterans. You will have a hard time finding a more strategic alliance when it comes...
We are hovering around 25,000 glory and that is not to shabby, need a few more good players to give us more depth in the war line up, come check us out or message me for more info
if that is you ? looking for a change of scenery into a good wee alliance with a few decent players, come and join Scots Guards 1, we war more or less back to back and do ok. we could use more CWA players to strengthen our line up but all are welcome, please say hi when joining or it would be a...
last war we won and should have been awarded 211 glory but we never received it, the war ended 12 hours ago, CS contacted and canned answer recieved as usual, any others have this issue ?
At Scots Guards, we are serious about World Wars, but we also like to have fun. Our in-game chat is almost always buzzing with players from around the world offering great tips for both beginners and war-scarred veterans. You will have a hard time finding a more strategic alliance when it comes...
Scots Guards—A war waging, friendly, non-swearing alliance for active
Recruiting Drive for Active players who like winning at War, spots open for all :cool:
Scots Guards—A war waging, friendly, non-swearing alliance for active
Recruiting active players who want to learn the game and join in wars, all level of players from high to low are accepted here, we have war spots open for all
Scots Guards—A war waging, friendly, non-swearing alliance for active players
Constant wars, some tough some easy, come in and have a war with us we have a spot for you in the next one, and say hi when you join please
Scots Guards—A war waging, friendly, non-swearing alliance for active players
At Scots Guards, we are serious about World Wars, but we also like to have fun. Our in-game chat is almost always buzzing with players from around the world offering great tips for both beginners and war-scarred...
Scots Guards —A War-waging, friendly, non-swearing alliance for active players.
Still a few spots left for you fearsome warriors come on in and say hello, join a great team and have some fun
Scots Guards —A War-waging, friendly, non-swearing alliance for active players.
Still looking for a War Loving active alliance ? then jump in and say hello, we are open to any active players who love to war, we most likely have a war spot for you, come on in and see for yourself the way a great...
Scots Guards — Everyone is welcome to come and try us our from scarred war mongers to new players.
We have great players who are friendly and will mentor you and show you the best way to play this game, we are also having 30 player war's just now so we have spots for everyone in the alliance...