• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. R

    3rd anniversary Crown sale special question

    I'm having a problem where the sale will only be visible on a fresh install of the game, as soon as I reload the game it will be gone. I assume it's the same for me with all crown sales as I haven't had any since Cold War Age was released. TinSoldier is this a known issue?
  2. R

    7 months after Missile Silo, are you happy with it

    I hate attacking it, love it on defence lol. Basically switched to heavy tank for MP, anything else struggles unless I can get at it with planes safely. I think it's interesting for war but I hate how it's changed the war landscape, i.e. everyone gets pushed to the same attack style and it...
  3. R

    Soviet Power Plant time discrepancy investigation

    LordAnubis except that they aren't... That sale is separate to compensation
  4. R

    Third Anniversary Global Community Event!

    Well to be fair we also had an event at the start encouraging players to get stars which would definitely affect some people's play style...
  5. R

    Shop offers are different for different players?

    I'm not even in Asia and I only see sales for troop tactics and chests, have not had a single crown sale since before cold war age dropped. Apparently there was a very decent crown sale for this anniversary as well which is extremely disapointing considering it's basically my annual monitary...
  6. R

    Value of Progression

    Does anyone else never see crown sales? I used to get them. But since the one you get when moving to CWA I've had none which is annoying because I didn't even get that one since it was the biggest pack which I didn't want to buy...
  7. R

    Assault Vehicle?

    Expensive though given their suicidal AI
  8. R

    Please nuke the fighters damage against buildings.

    Anyone whining about OP offence at the moment has a rushed or underdeveloped base. Attacking a strong atomic or cold war base is basically asking for higher retrain cost than what can be gained. Maxed towers will wreck a stray fighter lol
  9. R

    Please nuke the fighters damage against buildings.

    Based on history we should be getting stealth bombers soon shouldn't we? Haven't had new air units in the airstrip since global either.
  10. R

    Rocket Arsenal Stats?

    No Title Screenshot from someone on Korean forum. 14000 HP, spawns RPG units
  11. R

    Another step towards P2W ! this time TC radius increased by +2 range permanently !

    Lmao 😂 I'd love to be paid for it but unfortunately not. I also buy crowns once, maybe twice a year when I'm happy with the game's state; to reward the Devs for a game I enjoy. Not paying to win.
  12. R

    Another step towards P2W ! this time TC radius increased by +2 range permanently !

    I'm pretty sure he meant the engineers didn't intentionally change it initially, they investigated it, confirmed it, and are now changing the visual to match the actual radius. Settle down it's not P2W when most people set it off with decoys anyway, and you don't fill with paid troops anyway so...
  13. R

    Troop Card Glitch

    Loonies Agreed, especially given that it's all very secret so most people don't know how to do it therefore only benefitting a select group of people (oh sorry cheaters). And it is cheating before anyone tries to cry otherwise. I've seen the replays of people using multiple troop cards to get...
  14. R

    Is it possible to have 8 or 12 air space?

    It isn't possible (max is 6 using an event hanger) but it's more likely that the replay is simply broken, it's been this way since Cold War Age release. You could try sending a screenshot to customer service but they'll probably say the same.
  15. R

    University change that may be very beneficial

    Haha yeah I'm feeling a bit ambivalent on that one. Useful but only in hindsight
  16. R

    University change that may be very beneficial

    Maybe we could have a uni level attached to our accounts alongside our exp level. Gain a level for every step in uni but without saying which ones are complete. E.g. a player at level 234 with a uni level of 123, while it says they have done 123 pieces of research it might all be in Hiawatha and...
  17. R

    How would you guys feel about these troop changes being put in place?

    Seraph if you look at the MRL unit in-game it has a timer in its stats, this is the spacing between its shots which I think is the trouble some are having with it as the time is quite long so they can take a bit of damage from towers and such before they can destroy them. Either making them...
  18. R

    How would you guys feel about these troop changes being put in place?

    Quovatis I think he's referring to the air dropped armoured cars not triggering defence spawned troops
  19. R

    How would you guys feel about these troop changes being put in place?

    Armoured cars are pretty good donated troops, they attack fast and have damage spread. A few coming fast and catching you off guard can be pretty damaging. Maybe make them have some trap resistance so they don't die to a spike trap. MRL need a bit more speed for sure, great damage though. If...
  20. R

    That was a good event!!

    Agreed, especially with planes. If I mess up an attack at usual retrain rates then that's me out for the night. With the event rates I was often able to get back into the game rather than just forget about it.