• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Search results

  1. Khan505

    Recruiting. Been active 4 yrs. Kilroy Was Here

    Still recruiting.
  2. Khan505

    Recruiting. Been active 4 yrs. Kilroy Was Here

    Kilroy Was Here is an active alliance that had been around 4 years now. We WAR once a week but are active everyday. You don't have to WAR. Just build your civilization if you want. We are trying to increase our membership again. Check us out.
  3. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Active players being recruited.
  4. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Growing, so we need more members to war.
  5. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Cleared space for more.
  6. Khan505

    Update Issues

    There is screen lag and we have several alliance members experiencing connectivity issues. Some on multiple devices.
  7. Khan505

    Screen lag

    I have the same issue since the update.
  8. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Back and recruiting
  9. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Room for more who wish to war.
  10. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Welcome Drasnia! Still recruiting everyone.
  11. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Welcome Dominator and Michael.
  12. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Still need a few more.
  13. Khan505

    "Kilroy Was Here" is recruiting. Active players apply!

    Do you want an alliance that keeps you full of troops? Do you like to go to war? Then you want to join "Kilroy Was Here". We are a very active alliance and war often. We like to keep as many active members as we can. We're a friendly lot with players from all over the world. Members are very...